
Primary tabs



Stamens as many or twice as many as the petals, free or ± connate at base;


Pantropical to warm temperate present
Pantropical to warm temperate.


According to Foxworthy (l.c.), the wood is moderately hard and heavy, specific gravity 0.525, golden brown, with a fine grain similar to that of Albizia acle. Used for furniture, light construction, flooring, telegraph poles. Sometimes planted.


Taubert 1891 – In: E. & P., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3. p 121
Benth. & Hook. f. 1865 – In: Gen. Pl. p 592
Lewis & Elias 1981 – In: Polhill & Raven (eds.), Adv. Leg. Syst. 1. p 155
Benth. & Hook. f. 1865 – In: Gen. Pl. p 589
Taubert 1891 – In: E. & P., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3. p 117
Hutch. 1964 – In: Gen. Fl. Pl. p 283
Taubert 1891 – In: E. & P., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3. p 114
Hutch. 1964 – In: Gen. Fl. Pl. p 281