Sindora inermis

Primary tabs

Sindora inermis


Tree up to c. 30 m high. Leaves 2-4-ju- gate; petiole 2-4.3 cm and rachis 8 — 12( — 15) cm long, both tawny light brown puberulous, glabrescent or glabrous. Stipules falcate and comparatively broad, l-2(-2.5) by 1 cm, base broadly auricled, apex acute, glabrous and densely, finely reticulate on both surfaces (to be observed with a hand-lens), persistent (?) during anthesis. Inflorescences and flowers not seen. Seeds not seen.


Asia-Tropical, Jolo present, S Luzon to Mindanao present
Malesia: Philippines (S Luzon to Mindanao and Jolo).


The trunks of this species yield an oil with pleasant persistent odour and said to be useful in the perfume industry. It has been exported in small quantities to Singapore .


de Wit 1949: p. 48. – In: Bull. Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg. f. 9.
Merr. 1917: Interpr. Rumph. p 254