Crudia ornata

Primary tabs

Crudia ornata


Tree to 10( — 21) m high and 7.6(-28.6) cm in diam., shrub-like tree or treelet 1.5 m high. Leaves (4 — )5 or 6(-8)-foliolate, shortly peti- oled; petiole and rachis (6-)9-14 cm long, minutely puberulous, prolonged beyond the upper petiolule into a caducous process, often only the scar seen on a specimen. Stipules intrapetiolar, 2-3 mm long. Inflorescences axillary, sometimes also terminal, up to 15.5 cm long, erect, the rachis rusty-tomentose, moderately flowered; bracts ovate, lanceolate, or linear, 3.5-15 mm long, puberulous, glabrescent; bracteoles elliptic, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, often at the upper half of the pedicel, rather large, covering the bud at its very young stage, 6-8 mm long; pedicels 15-20 mm, puberulous, articulated at the base. Flowers puberulous outside. Stamens 10 (or 9); filaments up to c. 15 mm, glabrous; anthers c. 1 mm long. Seeds irregularly suborbicular or subreniform, 2.5-3 by 3.5-4 by 1.7 cm, slightly finely rugose.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Kalimantan present, Sabah present, Sarawak present)
Malesia: Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan).


Specimens of the present species can be recognized by a combination of the following characters: 1) leaves often 5- or 6-foliolate, 2) leaflets coriaceous, often loosely minutely puberulous on the lower surface, 3) nerves and veins obscure or invisible above, obscure, visible or distinct beneath, 4) pedicels, rather long in this genus, 15-20 mm, 5) rather large bracteoles (6-8 mm long), 6) calyx lobes often slightly loosely appressedly puberulous on the lower half inside, and 7) ovary often 6-ovuled. The habit of the plants of Crudia ornata has variously been recorded as a tree (often), a treelet (e.g., SAN 67706, L), a slender shrub-like tree (Merrill I.e.), or a shrub (e.g., Valera 9442, L).


Cockb. 1976 – In: Trees Sabah. 160.