Selliguea triquetra

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Selliguea triquetra


Asia-Tropical: Jawa (Jawa present); Lesser Sunda Is. present; Maluku (Maluku present); Sulawesi (Sulawesi present); Sumatera (Sumatera present)
Malesia: Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi, Moluccas? (doubtfully).


Specimens collected without the rhizome cannot be distinguished from S. enervis with certainty. Selliguea triquetra differs from S. enervis in the distinctly elongated rhizome, with internodes up to 2.5 cm in well-developed specimens, and with wide, obtuse to rounded scales. If the scales fall off, they usually do so completely in S. triquetra, whereas in S. enervis usually the base remains tightly fixed to the rhizome, and only the acumen disappears. The sori in S. triquetra are usually slightly larger than in S. enervis, and more often tend to become elongated or confluent. Sterile specimens, on the other hand, are very difficult to distinguish from S. feei or related species. The best distinction here is that S. feei usually lacks sclerenchyma strands in the rhizome. However, this cannot distinguish S. triquetra from, e.g., S. caudiformis or some forms of S. bellisquamata.


Blume 1829: Fl. Javae Filic. p 141
Alderw. 1908: Malayan Ferns. p 650
Blume 1864 – In: Sp. Fil. p 63
Blume 1829: Fl. Javae Filic. p 144
J. Sm. 1875: Hist. Fil. p 95
Hovenkamp 1998 – In: Blumea. p 84
Baker 1868: Syn. Fil. p 359
Alderw. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 387
Backer & Posth. 1939: Varenfl. Java. p 201