Selliguea taeniata
1 Several more or less distinct forms can be distinguished, but the distinctions between these forms are gradual.
‘Polypodium palmatum’ — Smaller plants, with markedly dimorphic fronds. Pinnae generally fewer, not or slightly narrowed at base, often connected by a 1-2 mm wide band. Sori often closer to the costa than to the margin. Margin inconstantly notched, particularly in specimens from the Philippines. This form is restricted to the eastern part of the distribution range (Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines, Moluccas), and is the predominant form in the Philippines.
‘Polypodium quinquefidum’ — As ‘palmatum’, but rhizome scales shining, and pinnae long, narrow, with a long cusp. Few specimens only, in mossy forest in Borneo and Sulawesi.
‘Polypodium pakkaense’ — As ‘palmatum’, but fronds pinnatifid, all pinnae connected along the rachis, not or hardly dimorphic, texture more coriaceous, venation more prominent, margin very distinctly notched, almost toothed, the rhizome usually with fewer sclerenchyma strands. Restricted to Mt Kinabalu, at the upper end of the altitudinal range (1500-3400 m) for Selliguea taeniata.
‘Polypodium stenurum’ — A slender form, with very long fronds (to over 1 m incl. stipe) with a large number of narrow pinnae (to 35 or more), a thin texture, and an indistinctly cartilaginous, but very distinctly notched margin.
An unnamed form has rhizome scales which are more strongly contracted to a narrow acumen, and pinnae with a strongly narrowed, often abruptly cuneate base, and a short stipe. It is represented by few specimens from Borneo (Mjöberg 1, 8; Native collector 112, Clemens 28153).
Juvenile plants sometimes have simple fronds, which nevertheless may be fertile (Loher 882, Parris 5719, Matthew s.n., March 1907, all K). Such plants have been separated as var. borneense. Intermediates have the pinnae connected along the costa. 2. Possibly simple-fronded plants like these have been identified as Phymatopteris hastata (Thunb.) Pichi Serm. by Zamora & Co . Other than through this reference, P. hastata is not known from the Philippines.
‘Polypodium palmatum’ — Smaller plants, with markedly dimorphic fronds. Pinnae generally fewer, not or slightly narrowed at base, often connected by a 1-2 mm wide band. Sori often closer to the costa than to the margin. Margin inconstantly notched, particularly in specimens from the Philippines. This form is restricted to the eastern part of the distribution range (Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines, Moluccas), and is the predominant form in the Philippines.
‘Polypodium quinquefidum’ — As ‘palmatum’, but rhizome scales shining, and pinnae long, narrow, with a long cusp. Few specimens only, in mossy forest in Borneo and Sulawesi.
‘Polypodium pakkaense’ — As ‘palmatum’, but fronds pinnatifid, all pinnae connected along the rachis, not or hardly dimorphic, texture more coriaceous, venation more prominent, margin very distinctly notched, almost toothed, the rhizome usually with fewer sclerenchyma strands. Restricted to Mt Kinabalu, at the upper end of the altitudinal range (1500-3400 m) for Selliguea taeniata.
‘Polypodium stenurum’ — A slender form, with very long fronds (to over 1 m incl. stipe) with a large number of narrow pinnae (to 35 or more), a thin texture, and an indistinctly cartilaginous, but very distinctly notched margin.
An unnamed form has rhizome scales which are more strongly contracted to a narrow acumen, and pinnae with a strongly narrowed, often abruptly cuneate base, and a short stipe. It is represented by few specimens from Borneo (Mjöberg 1, 8; Native collector 112, Clemens 28153).
Juvenile plants sometimes have simple fronds, which nevertheless may be fertile (Loher 882, Parris 5719, Matthew s.n., March 1907, all K). Such plants have been separated as var. borneense. Intermediates have the pinnae connected along the costa. 2. Possibly simple-fronded plants like these have been identified as Phymatopteris hastata (Thunb.) Pichi Serm. by Zamora & Co . Other than through this reference, P. hastata is not known from the Philippines.
Parris 1991 – In: Parris, Beaman & Beaman, The plants of Mount Kinabalu. I. Ferns and fern allies. p 107
Kato & Price 1990 – In: Acta Phytotax. Geobot. p 70
De Vol & Kuo 1975 – In: Fl. Taiwan. p 175
Alderw. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 401
Alderw. 1908: Malayan Ferns. p 660
Alderw. 1908: Malayan Ferns. p 669
Hovenkamp 1998 – In: Blumea. p 48
Alderw. 1908: Malayan Ferns. p 646
Backer & Posth. 1939: Varenfl. Java. p 221
C. Chr. 1934 – In: Gard. Bull. Str. Settlem. p 310
Hook. 1864 – In: Sp. Fil. p 88
Copel. 1960: Fern Fl. Philipp. p 502
Sw. 1806: Syn. Fil. 38, 232
Holttum 1954 – In: Revis. Fl. Malaya. p 195
Tagawa 1954 – In: Acta Phytotax. Geobot. p 143
Alderw. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 401
Blume 1829: Fl. Javae Filic. p 150
Alderw. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 402
Sw. 1928 – In: Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg. p 161
Alderw. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 395
Baker 1868: Syn. Fil. p 368
Alderw. 1908: Malayan Ferns. p 66
Zamora & Co 1986 – In: Guide Philipp. Flora & Fauna
C. Chr. 1910 – In: Arkiv f. Bot. p 32
Holttum 1954 – In: Revis. Fl. Malaya. p 197
Blume 1829: Fl. Javae Filic. p 148
Alderw. 1909 – In: Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. p 11
Alderw. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 402