Selliguea laciniata

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Selliguea laciniata


Asia-Tropical: Jawa (Jawa present); Lesser Sunda Is. present; Maluku (Maluku present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Malaysia present, S Thailand present, Seram present
Malesia: Sumatra, Pensinsular Malaysia (extending into S Thailand), Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas? (Seram, one doubtful record). Distribution outside Malesia unknown (see note 3).


1 Smells of coumarin when dry. The lower surface of the lamina is often noted to be distinctly glaucous in fresh material. 2. Three regional forms can be recognised, but they are not sharply distinct:

Java, Lesser Sunda Islands — Rhizome shortly creeping, internodes to 2 cm, with many sclerenchyma strands, aggregated to form a peripheral sheath (strands sometimes absent in specimens from Timor). Vascular strands without sclerified sheath. Scales pseudopeltate, densely ciliate. Base of lamina usually cordate, rarely decurrent. Sori distinctly to deeply sunken.

Sumatra — Rhizome more or less widely creeping, internodes to 3 cm, with scattered sclerenchyma strands, not or indistinctly concentrated in a peripheral sheath. Vascular strands with a sclerified sheath. Scales peltate, less densely ciliate. Base of frond more or less decurrent, margin more strongly thickened, with more distinct notches. Sori never deeply sunken.

Peninsular Malaysia, S Thailand — Rhizome more or less widely creeping, internodes to 2.5 cm. Rhizome mostly without sclerenchyma strands. Vascular strands with a sclerified sheath. Scales peltate, mainly short-dentate. Base of frond cordate but not deeply, more or less decurrent, margin strongly thickened, with distinct notches. Sori never deeply sunken.
3. Selliguea laciniata seems to be not clearly distinct from Crypsinus quasidivaricatus or C. echinosporus from Taiwan. The distribution on the mainland of Continental Asia could not be assessed without undertaking a complete critical revision of the Chinese species.


Alderw. 1909 – In: Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. p 10
Backer & Posth. 1939: Varenfl. Java. p 219
Ching 1964 – In: Acta Phytotax. Sin. p 192
Bedd. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 399
Alderw. 1908: Malayan Ferns. p 664