Ficus leptodictya

Primary tabs

Ficus leptodictya


Tree up to 23 m tall. Branchlets drying (dark) red-brown, the periderm flaking off conspicuously. internal hairs abundant. Leaves in lax spirals to distichous, drying greenish; stipules semi-amplexicaul, 0.3-0.4 cm long, glabrous or ciliolate, caducous. Fruits ± tuberculate.


Eastern present
New Guinea (eastern).


2This species resembles large-leaved specimens of F. ampelas, from which it differs in the figs with a larger receptacle, a longer peduncle, and situated only (just) below the leaves. 1This species has been included in F. tonsa by Corner (1960), probably largely because the two species here recognized are glabrous, a feature uncommon in the sect. Sycidium. Although the differences are rather small, as in the venation, the apex and the margin of the lamina, the colour of dried laminas, and the exfoliation of the periderm of the branchlets, the clearly disjunct distribution of these two taxa justifies recognition at the species level, rather than at an infraspecific one.


Summerh. 1941 – In: J. Arnold Arbor. 22. p 90