Ficus elmeri

Primary tabs

Ficus elmeri


Shrub or tree up to 12 m tall. Branchlets often drying dark red-brown. internal hairs abundant to few. Leaves distichous; stipules amplexicaul, 0.4-1(-1.2) cm long, minutely (appressed-)puberulous, often only on the keel and ciliolate, caducous.


(northern and western)Celebes present, Asia-Tropical: Philippines (Philippines present), Bohol present, Cebu present, Luzon present, Polillo present, Samar present
Philippines (Luzon, Polillo, Cebu, Bohol, Samar) and (northern and western)Celebes.


2The species appears to have its figs predominantly axillary in the Philippines, but (only?) cauliflorous in Celebes. 1This species is very similar to F. odorata in the general aspects of the leaves. Moreover, both have red ovaries, which is unusual in the subgenus. These partly allopatric species can be distinguished by the stipules, being fully amplexicaul in F. elmeri, but semi-amplexicaul in F. odorata, and by the lobes at the broad side of the lamina, usually covering the petiole in F. odorata, but not so in F. elmeri. Moreover, the leafy twigs and petioles are puberulous to hispidulous in F. elmeri, but mostly hirtellous in F. odorata. The peduncular bracts are glabrous outside but conspicuously ciliolate in F. elmeri, but hairy outside in F. odorata.


In cultivation because of the good taste of the figs.


King 1888: p. 79. – In: Sp. Ficus. t. 97
Corner 1965: – Gard. Bull. Singapore 21. p 69
Koord. 1898: Minah. p 607
Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. Pl. p 66
Sata 1944 – In: Contr. Hort. Inst. Taihoku Imp. Univ. p 277
Elmer 1937 – In: Leafl. Philipp. Bot. p 3487
Diels 1935 – In: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. p 203
Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. Pl. p 51
Elmer 1906 – In: Leafl. Philipp. Bot. p 55
Corner 1960 – In: Gard. Bull. Singapore 17. p 465
Sata 1944 – In: Contr. Hort. Inst. Taihoku Imp. Univ. p 278
K. Schum. & Lauterb. 1901: Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee. p 276