Ficus goniophylla

Primary tabs

Ficus goniophylla


Tree up to 10 m tall. Branchlets drying dark brown. internal hairs sparse. Leaves distichous; stipules semi-amplexicaul, 0.2-0.3 cm long, sparsely hispidulous, caducous.


Asia-Tropical: Sulawesi (Sulawesi present), Polewali present, Todjamboe present
Celebes (south-western: near Todjamboe; and southern: near Polewali).


1This species is characterized by the obliquely rhombic laminas, resembling those material of F. anastomosans from Thailand. 2The two collections of the species are different in position and surface of the receptacle of the figs. The type is cauliflorous and the fig receptacle bears rather soft hairs and swollen lateral bracts mainly in the upper part of the receptacle. The other collection has the figs in the leaf axils or just below the leaves and the fig receptacle bears very rigid hairs with swollen bases and scattered processes, apparently representing lateral bracts.


Corner 1965: – Gard. Bull. Singapore 21. p 68