Ficus riedelii

Primary tabs

Ficus riedelii


Shrub or tree up to 10 m tall. Branchlets often drying red-brown. internal hairs few or absent. Leaves distichous or in lax spirals; stipules semi-amplexicaul to lateral, 0.3-1(-1.2) cm long, puberulous, caducous.


Asia-Tropical: Sulawesi (Sulawesi present), Buton Island present, Kabaena Island present, Muna Island present, Wangiwangi Island present
Celebes (northern to south-eastern: incl. Buton Island, Kabaena Island, Muna Island, Wangiwangi Island).


1Two forms can be distinguished:
  • a. with the lamina relatively large, mostly 10-20 cm long, with relatively long indumentum on the lower surface and relatively large fig receptacles (0.8-1.3 cm diam. when dry), often distinctly pedunculate.
  • b. with the lamina relatively small, mostly 5-10 cm long, with short and rigid indumentum on most parts, and small fig receptacles (0.4-0.6 cm diam.), mostly subsessile.

Intermediates occur. The small-leaved form is the most common one in the south-eastern part of Celebes (on the islands). This form was described as var. minor (Corner 1960).
2The leaves are mostly distichous or almost so, but tend to an arrangement in lax spirals. This feature as well as the colour of the indumentum, the conspicuous lateral veins and the rosettes of apical bracts around the ostiole, the conspicuous lateral bracts, and the presence of irritating hairs, link this species to the F. conocephalifolia-group. 4The presence of the species in the Moluccas (cf. Corner 1965) could not be confirmed during the present study. 3Ficus riedelii shows in its leaf characters, such as the prominent venation beneath and dense indumentum, similarities to a small group of probably not closely related species comprising F. macrorrhyncha, F. quercetorum, and F. trachypison.


Koord. 1898: Minah. p 606
Corner 1965: – Gard. Bull. Singapore 21. p 67
King 1888: p. 94. – In: Sp. Ficus. t. 120