Fimbristylis lineatisquama
Perennial with short rhizome.
Leaves half as long as the stems, rather stiff, curved, flat, rather abruptly acuminate, densely hairy in the lower part, scabrid on the margins, 1½-2 mm wide;
Inflorescence simple or compound, loose, with 4-10 spikelets, 2-5 cm long.
Stamens 3;
Asia-Tropical: Philippines (Philippines present), Benguet Subprov present, Golo present, Luzon present, Pauai present, Sulu Is present
Malesia: Philippines (Sulu Is.: Golo). With certainty only known from the type-collection (MERRILL 11546); a poor collection from Luzon (Benguet Subprov., Pauai: CLEMENS 9145) may belong here.
The description of F. urakasiana , based on a collection from the Mariannas, Urakas Island (GIBBON 1158, not seen), agrees very well with that of F. lineatisquama, so that I presume that the former name is the correct one for this species.
According to , F. urakasiana is conspecific with F. boninensis [F. longispica STEUD. var. boninensis — F. dichotoma subsp. longispica KOYAMA var. boninensis KOYAMA, l.c.], but this is very unlikely, as F. boninensis is a plant with contracted, head-like inflorescence, glabrous leaves, and broad, obtriangular- obovate nuts. F. boninensis is recorded for the Philippines: Batan Island, on the littoral cliff on the eastern foot of Mt Iraya, frequent: HATUSIMA 28713 (not seen). See .
In shape and texture of the nuts and in the setulose top of the connective F. lineatisquama shows much T affinity to F. trichophylla. It can be distinguished by the long-ciliate ligule and the longer, more dis- tinctly nerved glumes. The delimitation against F.trichophylla and F. tomentosa requires further investigation.
According to , F. urakasiana is conspecific with F. boninensis [F. longispica STEUD. var. boninensis — F. dichotoma subsp. longispica KOYAMA var. boninensis KOYAMA, l.c.], but this is very unlikely, as F. boninensis is a plant with contracted, head-like inflorescence, glabrous leaves, and broad, obtriangular- obovate nuts. F. boninensis is recorded for the Philippines: Batan Island, on the littoral cliff on the eastern foot of Mt Iraya, frequent: HATUSIMA 28713 (not seen). See .
In shape and texture of the nuts and in the setulose top of the connective F. lineatisquama shows much T affinity to F. trichophylla. It can be distinguished by the long-ciliate ligule and the longer, more dis- tinctly nerved glumes. The delimitation against F.trichophylla and F. tomentosa requires further investigation.