Eleutherococcus malayanus

Primary tabs

Eleutherococcus malayanus


Unarmed tree to 17 m, trunk to 1 m ø; Leaves crowded at the ends of the branchlets; Inflorescence a terminal, sessile, compound umbel, often on short lateral shoots, apparently dioecious; Petals 4-5, ligulate, c. 2.5 by 1.5 mm long. Stamens 4-5, filaments c. 2¾ mm long. Ovary turbinate, 3-4-celled; Fruit an oblate spheroidal drupe, c. 10 by 8 mm when dry, with a small stylopodium bearing a persistent bifid style;


Asia-Tropical: Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present), Cameron Highlands present, Gajo Lands present, N. Sumatra present, Pahang present
Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Pahang; Cameron Highlands), N. Sumatra (Gajo Lands).


The interpretation of this species as having sexually dimorphic inflorescences cannot be proved with the available material. This appears to consist of twigs bearing either inflorescences of male flowers, or infructescences. Appearances suggest that the putative male flowers have rudimentary ovaries. There is no evidence whether the fruiting flowers had produced pollen.
The tree is said to be conspicuous when flowering by reason of its delicate feathery foliage, which is pale green with a reddish tinge, the petioles and inflorescence also being reddish.


Philipson 1979 – In: Fl. Males. p 103