Fimbristylis cinnamometorum

Primary tabs

Fimbristylis cinnamometorum


Perennial with creeping, woody, 1-1½ mm thick rhizome. Leaves at least half as long as the stem, erect, setaceous, often complicate, rigid, acute, antrorsely scabrid at the top, ⅓-½ mm wide; Inflorescence compound or decompound, loose, with many to numerous spikelets, 3-6 cm long. Stamens 3;


Asia-Tropical: India present; New Guinea present; Philippines (Philippines present); Thailand (Thailand present), Burgos present, Ceylon present, Cycloop Mts present, E. Coast Res present, Fly R present, Luzon present, Mt Lawes near Port Moresby present, N. Sumatra present, NE. New Guinea present, Papua present, S. China present, SE. Asia present, Sepik Distr present, W. New Guinea present, Wassi Kussa R present, tropical Australia present
From SE. Asia (Ceylon, India, Thailand, Indo-China) to S. China and tropical Australia; in Malesia: N. Sumatra (E. Coast Res.), Philippines (Luzon: Burgos), New Guinea (W. New Guinea: Cycloop Mts; NE. New Guinea: Sepik Distr.; Papua: Wassi Kussa R., Fly R., Mt Lawes near Port Moresby).


It was already pointed out by S. T. BLAKE, l.c., that the Australian F. cyperoides R.BR, and the Asian F. cinnamometorum are not specifically distinct.
From the type collection (KAMPHOEVENER 2485 from Teressa I. in KIEL) and BOECKELER'S accurate description it is evident that CLARKE wrongly referred F. kamphoeveneri BOECK. to the synonymy of F.fusca (NEES) CLARKE.


S. T. BLAKE 1954 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 220
R.BR. 1909: Ill. Cyp. t. 44 f. 1-4
KUNTH 1967 – In: Blumea. p 433
STEUD. 1855 – In: Syn. p 113
KERN 1955 – In: Blumea. p 123
KÜK. 1943 – In: Mitt. Thür. Bot. Ver. N.F. p 9
KUNTH 1837 – In: En. p 244
Benth. 1878 – In: Fl. Austr. p 317
BOECK. 1871 – In: Linnaea. p 35
Clarke 1893 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 650