Archidendron tenuiracemosum
Shrub or small tree up to 4 m high.
Branchlets terete, glabrous.
Stipules not seen;
Inflorescences cauliflorous or ramiflorous, glabrous or densely puberulous, probably not pendulous, consisting of racemosely arranged umbels of 1-5 flowers, floral bracts inconspicuous, oblong-linear, 0.5-1 mm;
Flowers pentamerous, male and bisexual, pale green.
Stamens white, (10-)20-30 mm, tube equalling the corolla- tube.
Ovaries solitary or absent in male flowers, 2-3 in bisexual flowers, glabrous.
Seeds black, obovoid, slightly compressed, c. 12 by 8 mm.