Chisocheton cauliflorus

Primary tabs

Chisocheton cauliflorus


Treelet to 3 m; bole to 4 cm diam.; young parts ± fulvous villous or hirsute. Leaves to 50 cm long, to 6-jugate; petiole c. 10 cm, ± conspicuously fulvescent like rachis. Inflorescences to 50 cm, narrowly paniculiform, borne on tubercles on trunk, branches, or axillary; axis 1.5 mm diam., ± prominently fulvous villous, with few, few- flowered branches to 4 cm. Petals 4, to 18 mm long, spathulate, pinkish red, ± subvillous without, alternative. Staminal tube c. 16 mm long, cylindrical, villous without, glabrous within, margin truncate; anthers 8, c. 2 mm long, locellate, glabrous, inserted c. 1.5 mm within tube. Ovary densely villous; style adpressed pubescent except in distal third; stylehead subcapitate.


Asia-Tropical, Mindanao present, Samar present
Malesia: Philippines (Samar, Mindanao)


The Mindanao material is somewhat less pubescent than the material from Samar.


Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. Pl. p 366
Mabb. 1979 – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. 330.