Chisocheton pohlianus

Primary tabs

Chisocheton pohlianus


Tree to 8 m; bole to 7 cm diam., sparsely branched. Bark greyish brown, scarcely cracking, cicatrose; inner bark claret. Leaves to 2 m long and to 28-jugate; petiole 5–10 cm, to 3.5(–6.5) mm diam., terete, with cicatrices of spent inflorescences. Inflorescences to 5 cm long, borne on concurrently flushing rachis, Cymbopogon-scented. Petals (3 or) 4, to 10 by 2 mm, creamy green, sparsely hairy without. Staminal tube c. 9 mm long, subglabrous or with retrorse hairs within except at top and bottom, margin obscurely lobed; anthers (4–) 6 or 7, locellate, inserted up to 3 mm within tube. Ovary 3- or 4-locular; style to 8 mm long, glabrous or with ascending hairs throughout most of its length. Capsule to 4 cm long, 2.5 cm diam., subovovoid to ellipsoid. Seeds unknown.


Asia-Tropical, Papua New Guinea present
Malesia:Papua New Guinea.


Mabb. 1979: p. 331. – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. t. 3
Hutch. 1969: Phylog. Flow. Pl. t. 342
Harms 1942: p. 187. – In: Bot. Jahrb. excl. spec, cit.
P.F. Stevens 1975 – In: Contrib. Herb. Austral. p 28
Fisher & Rutishauser 1990 – In: Can. J. Bot. 2320.