Chisocheton montanus

Primary tabs

Chisocheton montanus


Tree to 8 m; bole to 24 cm diam. Bark dark brown, darker within; inner bark reddish. Leaves to 75 cm long; petiole 5–15 cm long, 2.5 mm diam., terete. Inflorescence to 18 cm, weakly scented, paniculiform, borne in leafy axils, though subtending leaf sometimes unexpanded, velutinous; axis unbranched (? female) or with branches to 2.5 cm (male); bracts to 3 mm long, subulate. Petals (3 or) 4, c. 7 by 2 mm, creamy white, pubescent without. Staminal tube weakly adnate to corolla, c. 6 mm long, sericeous without though sometimes glabrous at base, glabrous within though sometimes with a few hairs at base, margin ± entire; anthers (5) 6, c. 1.5 mm long, locellate, inserted c. 3 mm within tube, connective glabrous to sparsely hairy. Ovary 4-locular; style to 6 mm long, glabrous or with hairs in proximal half.


Asia-Tropical, Papua New Guinea present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea.


P.F.Stevens 1978: p. 147. – In: Handb. Fl. Papua New Guinea. t. 71
Mabb. 1979 – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. p 331
Fisher & Rutishauser 1990 – In: Can. J. Bot. 2320.