Chisocheton warburgii

Primary tabs

Chisocheton warburgii


Tree to 7 m. Leaves c. 1 m long, at least 15-jugate; petiole 7–15 cm, ± villous. Flowers subsessile. Petals 4 or 5, 10–15 by 2–3 mm, the innermost narrowest, ligulate, narrowly imbricate, adpressed pubescent without. Staminal tube subcoriaceous, ± with a sparse region of hairs outside near apex, glabrous within, margin truncate; anthers 8 or 9 (10), linear inserted c. 2 mm within throat, included, basifixed. Ovary densely villous; style glabrous apically; stylehead clavate-capitate. Capsule c. 5 cm diam., warty, ± pubescent, recurved 4-valved, the valves woody, recurved, shortly and abruptly stipitate, apex weakly beaked. Seeds 4, c. 2.5 cm long, orange-segment- shaped.


Asia-Tropical, C and N Celebes present
Malesia:C and N Celebes


Flowering material was recollected by Kjellberg in Central Celebes in 1929, but the plant is known from only four surviving collections.


Mabb. 1982 – In: Mal. For. 451.
Mabb. 1979 – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. p 372