Chisocheton aenigmaticus

Primary tabs

Chisocheton aenigmaticus


Tree. Leaves to 78 cm, pseudogemsometimesmulate; petiole 3–8 cm. Flowers subsessile. Petals 5, 5–10 by 1.5 mm, narrowly spathulate, ± adpressed pilose without, glabrous within, quincuncial or alternative. Staminal tube with long adpressed hairs without, ± villous within, margin truncate or shallowly 5-lobed; anthers 5, c. 2.2 mm long, inserted within tube or weakly exserted, basifixed, locellate.


Asia-Tropical, Sumatra, Simalur I present
Malesia: Sumatra, Simalur I.