Chisocheton pilosus

Primary tabs

Chisocheton pilosus


Treelet 2.5 m tall. Leaves at least 25 cm; petiole c. 10 cm; rachis terete. Inflorescence to 12 cm, weakly paniculiform, axillary; branches to 3 cm long, pilose; bracts linear, pubescent ; pedicels very short. Petals 4, c. 11.5 by 1.5 mm, puberulous without. Staminal tube villous within, margin truncate; anthers 6–8, c. 1.5 mm long, alocellate. Ovary and female flowers unknown.


Asia-Tropical, West New Guinea, present
Malesia: West New Guinea,, collected once (a hybrid with C sayeri?).


Mabb. 1979 – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. 337.
P.F. Stevens 1978 – In: Handb. Fl. Papua New Guinea