Ficus myiopotamica

Primary tabs

Ficus myiopotamica


Tree up to 40 m tall, with buttresses. Branchlets drying blackish. internal hairs rather abundant. Leaves distichous; stipules semi-amplexicaul, 0.3-0.4 cm long, ciliolate, caducous. Fruits tuberculate.


Eastern present
New Guinea (eastern).


1The material here referred to this species, was included in F. melinocarpa, from which it differs in the semi-amplexicaul stipules and in being glabrous on nearly all parts, except for the margins of the stipules and in and along the adaxial groove of the petiole and the basal part of the midrib, which is clearly impressed. 2This species shows affinities to F. leptodictya, also glabrous on the various parts, but with usually a cuneate to obtuse base of the lamina and the basal lateral veins usually running close to the margin and then unbranched.