Ficus stellaris

Primary tabs

Ficus stellaris


Tree up to 20(-40) m tall (or shrub). Branchlets drying dark (red-)brown to blackish. internal hairs abundant. Leaves distichous; stipules semi-amplexicaul, 0.4-0.6 cm long, minutely hispidulous and ciliolate, caducous. Fruits ± tuberculate.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present
New Guinea.


2This species also show similarities to F. leptodictya and F. pseudowassa. 3Two subspecies can be distinguished. 1This species has been confused with both F. trachypison and F. melinocarpa. It can be distinguished from the former by the absence of additional waxy glands in the axils of lateral veins others than the basal ones (and the relatively large figs) and from the latter by the semi-amplexicaul stipules (and the always scabrous lower and upper surface of the lamina).