Sphaerostephanos lastreoides

Primary tabs

Sphaerostephanos lastreoides


Asia-Tropical: Philippines (Philippines present), Luzon present, Mindanao present, Negros present, Palawan present
Malesia: Philippines (Palawan, Luzon, Negros, Mindanao).


Part of Cuming 251 from Luzon, in several herbaria, exactly matches the type of this species; nothing like it is otherwise known from Java. Probably the type was a Cuming specimen misplaced by Presl. M. G. Price 2734, from Mindanao, Agusan del Sur Prov., is like the type in all essentials but a little larger; its fertile pinnae are the same size as sterile pinnae on the Kew specimen of Cuming 251, which has smaller fertile ones.
M. G. Price 690, from Mt Halcon, Mindoro, differs from the above description only in larger size: lamina to 35 cm long, pinnae 20 pairs, largest 7x1.7 cm. It may represent a distinct local variety.
A. Loher s.n. March 1915, from Rizal Pro- vince, Luzon, differs in having shallowly crenate pinnae, and slender appressed hairs on lower surface of costules.


Holttum 1969 – In: Novit. Bot. Univ. Carol. Prag. p 49
Copel. 1960: Fern Fl. Philip. p 354