
Primary tabs



anthers 2- or 4-locular, linear to oblong, opening with longitudinal slits,1
1. 004-001-001


connective often expanded or extended.2
2. 004-001-002


embryo small with 2 minute cotyledons.3
3. 006-001-001


ovule 1, orthotropous.4
4. 005-001-002


stigma sessile,5
5. 005-001-001


stamens 1-3, in bisexual flowers adnate to ovary,6
6. 004-001


seeds with well-developed starchy endosperm,7
7. 006-001


axillary or terminal8
8. 003-001


blades pinnately veined, usually glabrous, margins dentate.9
9. 002-002


petioles connate at base, stipulates present, petiolar;10
10. 002-001


carpel 1,11
11. 005-001


Trees, shrubs or herbs. Leaves opposite, decussate, simple; petioles connate at base, stipulates present, petiolar; blades pinnately veined, usually glabrous, margins dentate. Inflorescences capitate, spicate or racemose, axillary or terminal. Flowers small, unisexual (monoecious or dioecious) or bisexual, without perianth or with 3-lobed calyx, subtended by 1-3 bracts or ebracteate; stamens 1-3, in bisexual flowers adnate to ovary, anthers 2- or 4-locular, linear to oblong, opening with longitudinal slits, connective often expanded or extended. Pistillate and bisexual flowers epigynous, hemi-epigynous or naked; carpel 1, stigma sessile, ovule 1, orthotropous. Fruit a berry with a hard seed coat or a drupe with a fragile, stony endocarp (Hedyosmum); seeds with well-developed starchy endosperm, embryo small with 2 minute cotyledons.


Guianas present, Neotropics present, moist tropics of the world present
About 75 species in 4 genera, all found in the moist tropics of the world; in the Neotropics 1 genus with 44 species; in the Guianas 1 species.


Flowers small, unisexual (monoecious or dioecious) or bisexual, without perianth or with 3-lobed calyx, subtended by 1-3 bracts or ebracteate;12
12. 004


Fruit a berry with a hard seed coat or a drupe with a fragile, stony endocarp (Hedyosmum);13
13. 006


Trees, shrubs or herbs.14
14. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Boom, B.M. et al. 9200 Guyana, Hahn, W.J. et al. 5481a Guyana, Boom, B.M. et al. 9063


Inflorescences capitate, spicate or racemose, .15
15. 003


Leaves opposite, decussate, simple;16
16. 002


Pistillate and bisexual flowers epigynous, hemi-epigynous or naked;17
17. 005