
Primary tabs


<<<Flowers>Pistil>Ovules>Ovule number

1. 004-004-002-001


terminal or subterminal2
2. 004-004-004-001

<<Flowers>Glands>Gland number

3. 004-003-001


scale-like or fleshy4
4. 004-003-002

<<Flowers>Pistil>Locule number

5. 004-004-001


ovules , variously inserted,6
6. 004-004-002


stigma small, .7
7. 004-004-004


style simple often persistent, often with apex expanded as a pollen presenter,8
8. 004-004-003


filaments partly or wholly adnate to tepals, rarely free;9
9. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

10. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Tepals>Tepal number

11. 004-001-001

<<Fruits>Seeds>Seed number

12. 005-002-001


hypogynous glands usually present, , , free or fused;13
13. 004-003


pistil 1, ovary superior, rarely perigynous, sessile or stipitate, ,14
14. 004-004


stamens , usually all fertile, opposite tepals,15
15. 004-002


tepals valvate, free or variously united, each with a slightly expanded limb;16
16. 004-001


seeds , usually endospermic.17
17. 005-002


woody or coriaceous18
18. 005-001


axillary or terminal19
19. 003-001


usually coriaceous20
20. 002-001


Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, simple, pinnatifid, pinnate or bipinnate, usually coriaceous, exstipulate. Inflorescences simple or compound, axillary or terminal, racemose or paniculate. Flowers usually actinomorphic, bisexual, solitary or paired in axils of bracts, rarely ebracteate; tepals 4 valvate, free or variously united, each with a slightly expanded limb; stamens 4, usually all fertile, opposite tepals, filaments partly or wholly adnate to tepals, rarely free; hypogynous glands usually present, 4, scale-like or fleshy, free or fused; pistil 1, ovary superior, rarely perigynous, sessile or stipitate, 1-locular, ovules 1-many, variously inserted, style simple often persistent, often with apex expanded as a pollen presenter, stigma small, terminal or subterminal. Fruits dehiscent or indehiscent, woody or coriaceous follicles, drupes or achenes; seeds 1-many, usually endospermic.


Africa, Americas present, Andes present, Argentina present, Asia-Temperate, Asia-Tropical: India present, Australasia, Chile present, Guianas present, Madagascar present, New Caledonia present, New Zealand present, Northern America, Pacific: Fiji (Fiji present), eastern Brazil present, southern hemisphere present, tropical Africa present
A largely southern hemisphere family consisting of 79 genera and ca. 1700 species with Australia and southern Africa as its centers of greatest diversity; 8 genera and 84 species occur in the Americas from Mexico to Chile and Argentina, with the greatest diversity in the Andes and eastern Brazil, some American species also occur in tropical Africa, Madagascar, India, eastern Asia, Malesia, New Caledonia, New Zealand and Fiji; 3 genera and 9 species are known to occur in the Guianas.


Flowers usually actinomorphic, bisexual, solitary or paired in axils of bracts, rarely ebracteate;21
21. 004


Fruits dehiscent or indehiscent, follicles, drupes or achenes;22
22. 005


Trees or shrubs.23
23. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 979 Guyana, Sandwith, N.Y. 450 Guyana, Maguire, B., et al. 23372 Perrottet, G.S. s.n. Suriname, Tresling, J.H.A.T. 357 Suriname, Schulz, J.P. LBB 10307 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 2759 Guyana, Maas, P.J.M., et al. 3845 Guyana, Tillett, S.S., et al. 45510 Guyana, Sandwith, N.Y. 472 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. II, 634 Suriname, Rombouts, H.E. 721 Rohr, J.P.B. von s.n. Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. & R.S. Cowan 7007 Guyana, Forest Dept. British Guiana 5938 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J., et al. 1057 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ri. 1045 Guyana, Forest Dept. British Guiana 3040 Guyana, Hahn, W. 5733 Aublet, J.B.C.F. s.n. Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J., et al. 524 Guyana, Pipoly, J.J. 10378 Guyana, Smith, A.C. 2674 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ri. 855 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-3124 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. & A.L. Stoffers, et al. 487 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ri. 1046B Mélinon, E. s.n. Guyana, Schomburgk, Ri. or Ro. s.n. Guyana, Goodland, R., et al. 875 BAFOG 1322 Guyana, Clarke, D. 6946 Guyana, Maguire, B., et al. 32434 Oldeman, R.A.A. 3056 Suriname, Teunissen, P.A., et al. LBB 11834 Suriname, Oldenburger, F.H.F., et al. 298 Guyana, Cook, C.D.K. 36 Oldeman, R.A.A. 2432 Martin, J. s.n. Suriname, Stahel, G. 291 Suriname, Irwin, H.S., et al. 55878 Guyana, Persaud, A.C. 71 Leblond, J.B. s.n. Leprieur, F.R. s.n. Suriname, Stahel, G. 249 Suriname, Versteeg, G.M. 233 Guyana, Goodland, R., et al. 406 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 2872 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. 6413 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 2738 Oldeman, R.A.A. 2692 Suriname, Troon, F. van LBB 16321 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5328 Suriname, Anderson, A. s.n. Richard, L.C. s.n. Suriname, Teunissen, P.A., et al. LBB 15447 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. II, 544 Suriname, Mennega, A.M.W. 464 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J., et al. 1628 Suriname, Kappler, A. 1999 Guyana, Goodland, R., et al. 694 Sabatier, D., et al. 2114 BAFOG 1266 Suriname, Oldenburger, F.H.F., et al. 1072 Suriname, Geyskes, D.C. 17 Mélinon, E. 179 Granville, J.J. de 481 Guyana, Knapp, S., et al. 2783 Suriname, Mori, S.A., et al. 15168 Martin, J. 52 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 1256 Guyana, Forest Dept. British Guiana 5288 Guyana, Smith, A.C. 2208 Prévost, M.F., et al. 1043 Grenand, P. 626 Oldeman, R.A.A. T-65 Suriname, Wessels Boer, J.G. 992 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J., et al. 1737 Guyana, Maas, P.J.M., et al. 7630 Cremers, G. 7830 Sagot, P.A. s.n. Sabatier, D., et al. 4011 Mélinon, E. 161 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J., et al. 105 Guyana, Smith, A.C. 3360 Guyana, Appun, C.F. 1203 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 3075 Benoist, R. 49 Guyana, Lanjouw, J. & J. van Donselaar, et al. 839 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-2049 BAFOG 1208 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ri. 215 Suriname, Kappler, A. 2031 Suriname, Oldenburger, F.H.F., et al. 145 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-1174 Oldeman, R.A.A. T-959 Suriname, Wullschlägel, H.R. 1677 Suriname, Hulk, J.F. 333 Guyana, Maas, P.J.M., et al. 3813 Guyana, Maas, P.J.M., et al. 5635 Suriname, Evans, R., et al. 2401 Martin, J. s.n. Suriname, Irwin, H.S., et al. 55356 Guyana, Clarke, D. 3304 Guyana, Forest Dept. British Guiana 2254 Guyana, Smith, A.C. 2568 Guyana, Forest Dept. British Guiana 2814 Moretti, C. 822 Suriname, Irwin, H.S., et al. 55692 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 3918 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 69 Martin, J. s.n. Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 7594 Guyana, Sandwith, N.Y. 483 Grenand, P. 501 Guyana, Mutchnick, P. 440 Sabatier, D., et al. 1034 Leblond, J.B. s.n. Herb. Mus. Paris 421


Inflorescences simple or compound, , racemose or paniculate.24
24. 003


Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, simple, pinnatifid, pinnate or bipinnate, , exstipulate.25
25. 002


The S American PROTEACEAE comprise small shrubs and trees belonging to about 60 genera within the tribe Macadamieae, of which only 3 genera, Euplassa Salisb. ex Knight, Panopsis Salisb. ex Knight and Roupala Aubl., are found in the Guianas. These 3 genera, each with over 20 species, occur predominantly in the highlands with their centres of species diversity occurring in the Andes and Guayana Highlands. Therefore it has been suggested that Roupala and Panopsis are today not true rainforest species and only occupy refugia in the lowlands as their preference lies in the more seasonal environments offered by higher altitudes (Prance & Plana 1998). Euplassa is a S American genus of trees, rarely shrubs, with 2 species occurring in the Guianas. Two species of Panopsis are native to the Guianas whereas Roupala comprises the largest genus of the tropical American PROTEACEAE with about 32 species (Edwards & Prance 2003) of which only 5 species occur in the Guianas. According to Mennega (1966) the wood of Euplassa and Panopsis are very similar whereas Roupala is more distinct. All 3 genera share the characteristic feature of wide rays that can extend several millimetres and are conspicuous in all three planes of section (Mennega 1966).
A. -empty team- – In: InsideWood, B. Détienne, P. & J. Jacquet. 1983 – In: Atlas d’identification des bois de l’Amazonie et des régions voisines. – France: Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, C. Edwards, K.S. & G.T. Prance. 2003: Four new species of Roupala (Proteaceae). – Brittonia. 55, D. Heimsch, C. 1942: Comparative anatomy of the secondary xylem in the Gruinales and Terebinthales of Wettstein with reference to taxonomic grouping. – Lilloa 8, E. IAWA Committee. 1989: The IAWA list of microscopic features for hardwood identification. – IAWA Bull. n.s. 10, F. Lens, F., S. Jansen, P. Caris, L. Serlet & E. Smets. 2005: Comparative wood anatomy of the primuloid clade (Ericales s.l.). – Syst. Bot. 30, G. Mennega, A.M.W. 1966: Wood anatomy of the genus Euplassa and its relation to other Proteaceae of the Guianas and Brazil. – Acta Bot. Neerl. 15, H. Prance, G.T. & V. Plana. 1998: The American Proteaceae. – Austral. Syst. Bot. 11, I. Record, S.J. & R.W. Hess. 1936: Identification of woods with conspicuous rays. – Trop. Woods 48, J. Record, S.J. & R.W. Hess. 1943 – In: Timbers of the New World. – New Haven: Yale University Press, K. Vliet, G.L.C.M. van 1976: Radial vessels in rays. – IAWA Bull. 3