
Primary tabs



<<<<Fruits>Seeds>Embryo>Cotyledons>Cotyledon number

1. 005-004-001-002-001


2. 005-004-001-002-002


entire or shallowly lobed3
3. 004-006-003-001


4. 004-002-001-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Cell number

5. 004-003-002-001


with cotyledons6
6. 005-004-001-002


7. 005-004-001-001


often very small8
8. 005-004-002-001


intrastaminal, lobed (lobes alternating with the stamens), or annular9
9. 004-004-001

<<Flowers>Ovary>Cell number

10. 004-006-001


stigma ;11
11. 004-006-003


style short or none,12
12. 004-006-002


anatropous and unitegmic, sometimes integument not differentiated (Agonandra)13
13. 004-007-003

<<Flowers>Ovules>Ovule number

14. 004-007-001


pendulous from the apex of a central placenta15
15. 004-007-002


, free tepals16
16. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Pistil>Pistil number

17. 004-005-001


anthers introrse, , longitudinally dehiscent;18
18. 004-003-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

as many as19
19. 004-003-001


woody or crustaceous20
20. 005-003-001


21. 005-002-001


embryo , embedded in rich, oily endosperm, nearly as long as the seed, ,22
22. 005-004-001


radicle .23
23. 005-004-002


in dried state mostly finely tubercled by cystoliths located in the mesophyll24
24. 002-001-002


mostly glabrous25
25. 002-001-003


often coriaceous26
26. 002-001-001


venation pinnate.27
27. 002-001-004


disc ;28
28. 004-004


29. 004-001


ovary superior, ,30
30. 004-006


ovule , , .31
31. 004-007


perianth with ;32
32. 004-002


pistil ;33
33. 004-005


stamens and opposite to the tepals (in female flowers wanting),34
34. 004-003


endocarp ;35
35. 005-003


mesocarp ,36
36. 005-002


pericarp rather thin,37
37. 005-001


seed large, conform to the drupe,38
38. 005-004


bracts very small, often scale-like, caducous.39
39. 003-002


axillary or cauliflorous40
40. 003-001


blades , , usually extremely variable in form and size, entire, ,41
41. 002-001


Trees, shrubs, or lianas, root-parasites. Leaves without stipules, petiolate, distichous, simple; blades often coriaceous, in dried state mostly finely tubercled by cystoliths located in the mesophyll, usually extremely variable in form and size, entire, mostly glabrous, venation pinnate. Inflorescences axillary or cauliflorous, racemose; bracts very small, often scale-like, caducous. Flowers pedicellate, actinomorphic, 4-5-merous, unisexual and plants dioecious; perianth with valvate, free tepals; stamens as many as and opposite to the tepals (in female flowers wanting), anthers introrse, 2-celled, longitudinally dehiscent; disc intrastaminal, lobed (lobes alternating with the stamens), or annular; pistil 1; ovary superior, 1-celled, style short or none, stigma entire or shallowly lobed; ovule 1, pendulous from the apex of a central placenta, anatropous and unitegmic, sometimes integument not differentiated (Agonandra). Fruit drupaceous, pericarp rather thin, mesocarp fleshy-juicy, endocarp woody or crustaceous; seed large, conform to the drupe, embryo terete, embedded in rich, oily endosperm, nearly as long as the seed, with 3-4linear cotyledons, radicle often very small.


Guianas present, Neotropics present, tropics present
About 30 species in 10 genera, around the tropics; in the neotropics ca. 10 species in 1 genus; in the Guianas 2 species.


Flowers pedicellate, actinomorphic, , unisexual and plants dioecious;42
42. 004


Fruit drupaceous,43
43. 005


Trees, shrubs, or lianas, root-parasites.44
44. 001

Individuals Association

Sabatier, D. & Prevost, M.F. 2341 Suriname, L.B.B. 8329 Guyana, Stoffers, A.L., Gorts-van Rijn, A.R.A. et al. 151 Suriname, Donselaar, J. van 1882 Riera, B. 903 Sabatier, D. & Prevost, M.F. 3065 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. 4995 Sabatier, D. 101 Suriname, Oldenburger, F.H.F. et al. 490 Granville, J.J. de 5372 Suriname, BW. 5576 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. and J.C. Lindeman 2758 Loubry, D. s.n. Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. 5800 Suriname, L.B.B. 10947 Suriname, L.B.B. 9309 Sastre, C. 4476 Guyana, Stoffers, A.L., Gorts-van Rijn, A.R.A. et al. 533 Suriname, BW. 2327 Suriname, Schulz, J.P. 8033 Suriname, L.B.B. 11195 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. 4905 Suriname, BW. 2003 Suriname, BW. 3735


Inflorescences , racemose;45
45. 003


Leaves without stipules, petiolate, distichous, simple;46
46. 002