
Primary tabs



1. 004-003-001-001


lobed or annular to urceolate2
2. 004-004-001

<<Flowers>Pistil>Male flowers

in male flowers pistil rudimentary3
3. 004-005-001


4. 004-003-001

<<Flowers>Stamens>Relative dimensions

exceeding the perianth5
5. 004-003-002


glabrous or puberulous6
6. 004-002-001


glabrous or puberulous7
7. 003-004-001


to 2.5 cm long8
8. 005-002


9. 005-001


disc ;10
10. 004-004


11. 004-001


pistil with sessile stigma, .12
12. 004-005


stamens with , ;13
13. 004-003


tepals free, ;14
14. 004-002


bracteoles minute15
15. 003-003


bracts peltate16
16. 003-002

<Inflorescences>Flower number per bract

17. 003-001


rachis .18
18. 003-004


19. 002-001


Dioecious trees or shrubs, sometimes vinelike. Leaves glabrous. Inflorescence a raceme with 1-3 flowers per bract, bracts peltate, bracteoles minute, rachis glabrous or puberulous. Flowers pedicellate, 4-5-merous, unisexual; tepals free, glabrous or puberulous; stamens with filiform filament, exceeding the perianth; disc lobed or annular to urceolate; pistil with sessile stigma, in male flowers pistil rudimentary. Drupe ellipsoid, to 2.5 cm long.


Central and South America present, Guianas present
About 10 species in Central and South America, 2 of which occur in the Guianas.


Drupe , .20
20. 005


Flowers pedicellate, , unisexual;21
21. 004


Dioecious trees or shrubs, sometimes vinelike.22
22. 001


Inflorescence a raceme with flowers per bract, , ,23
23. 003


Leaves .24
24. 002

Timber properties

Description of the woodHeartwood indistinguishable from the sapwood, yellowish to light brown. Texture medium. Grain straight. Lustrous.
WeightSpecific gravity 930-950 kg per cubic metre (12%).


Vessels diffuse, solitary with only incidentally two pores connected, round to oval, 10(5-13) per sq. mm, diameter 101(64-144) μm. Vessel-member length 400(200-550) μm. Perforations simple. Intervascular pits not observed. Vessel-ray and vessel-parenchyma pits half-bordered, sometimes coalescent, 830 μm. Occasionally small round or oval perforations are found. Tracheids scanty.
Rays homogeneous, uni- and 2-3-seriate, 3-4 per mm, uniseriate rays less than 5%, composed of procumbent cells, multiseriate rays composed of strongly procumbent cells with incidentally one row of weakly procumbent margin cells, height 650-800 μm.
Parenchyma apotracheal, diffuse-in-aggregates, in strands of two cells. Fibres thick-walled, walls 5-12 pm, lumen 1-2 μm. Pits distinctly bordered, frequent on tangential and radial walls, (4-)5-6 μm. Length 2400(1450-3060) μm. F/V ratio 5.5.
The description is based on material of A. silvatica from Surinam. Although the species of Agonandra differ in some quantitative characters, the wood anatomy of the genus as a whole is very homogeneous in all qualitative characters. Within the Opiliaceae, it is the only genus in the wood of which cystoliths have never been reported (Koek-Noorman & Rijckevorsel, 1983).

Wood observation species

A. silvatica