Horsfieldia irya
Tree 10-25 (-40) m.
Leaves often ± curved towards the apex, membranous, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 10-30(-35) by 3-7(-9) cm, base rounded to attenuate, apex acute-acuminate;
Inflorescences with dense hairs 0.1-0.5(-l) mm long, persistent or glabrescent;
Fruits 2-8 per infructescence, globose, 1.5-2.2 cm diameter, glabrous, finely granular, without tubercles or lenticels, drying dark brown to blackish;
Andaman present, Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Cambodia (Cambodia present); Jawa (Jawa present); Lesser Sunda Is. absent; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present, Singapore present); Maluku (Maluku present); New Guinea present; Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka present); Sulawesi (Sulawesi present); Sumatera (Sumatera present); Thailand (Thailand present), Burma present, C(?) & S Philippines present, Caroline Is present, Cochin-china present, N Philippines absent, Nicobar Islands present, S Indochina present, Solomon Is present
Sri Lanka, Burma, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, S Indochina (Cochin-china), Cambodia, Thailand, Caroline Is., Solomon Is.; in Malesia: Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, Moluccas, C(?) & S Philippines, New Guinea; no collections seen from the Lesser Sunda Islands and N Philippines.
Horsfieldia irya is a homogeneous species, well characterized by its small subglobose male flowers of 1 mm diameter (in Indochina up to 1.6 mm diam.), with tyical broad and deeply concave androecium with tapered, relatively large androphore. The fruits (and seeds) are globose, glabrous (ovary glabrous). The twigs are usually thinly ridged. Characteristic are the irregular whitish marks of unknown origin, almost always present on the older leaves in dried specimens. The indumentum is variable: short-haired, sometimes seemingly glabrous specimens are predominant in Sri Lanka, SE Asia, W Malesia, and Moluccas; in New Guinea and the Solomons most specimens have conspicuous, often woolly hairs to 1 mm long on twig apex, leaf bud, and inflorescences.
Kaneh. 1933: Fl. Micr. f. 32
Blume 1835: p. 190. – In: Rumphia. t. 62
Warb. 2000 – In: Tree FL Sabah & Sarawak. p 373
J. Sinclair 1975: p. 382. – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. p 61
Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. pl. p 181
Kaneh. 1932 – In: Bot. Mag. Tokyo. p 451
Backer & Bakh. f. 1964 – In: Fl. Java. p 138
Kaneh. 1935: Enum. Micron. Plants,. – In: J. Dept. Kyushu Imp. Univ. p 319
A. DC 1856 – In: Prodr. p 202
A.DC 1856 – In: Prodr. p 203
King 1891: p. 308. – In: Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calc. pl. 141, 141 -bis.
W. J. de Wilde 1985: p. 55. – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. f. 6
J. Sinclair 1958: p. 382. – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. f. 33, pl. IX-A
Kaneh. 1933: Fl. Micr: 109. f. 31, pl. 16
Hook. f. & Thomson 1855: Fl. Ind. p 159