Horsfieldia coriacea
Tree 8-25 m.
Leaves membranous to thinly chartaceous, (elliptic-)oblong, 14-27 by 5-10 cm, base attenuate, apex acute-acuminate;
Inflorescences behind the leaves, with sparse hairs 0.1 mm;
Fruits 1-5 per infructescence, ellipsoid, 4-4.2 by 2.5-3.2 cm, glabrous, drying rust-brown, finely granulate and with at most a few tubercles or lenticels;
1 In most flowers there are a few minute wart-like appendages 0.1 mm high around the insertion of the androecium.
2 Horsfieldia coriacea, vegetatively and in fruit, resembles H. costulata, which has a much larger distribution in Sulawesi and the Philippines. However, the latter differs in thinner membranous leaves, drying generally more olivaceous, with the midrib on the upper surface entirely glabrous, the lateral nerves usually forming a greater angle with the midrib, and less conspicuous lenticels on the twigs. The fruits are generally larger with a pericarp 8—10(—15) mm thick. Furthermore, the male flowers are quite different, those of H. costulata being arranged in rather dense clusters of 5-10.
3 Horsfieldia coriacea seems closely related to H. majuscula (Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia) and H. xanthina (Borneo), both also having an elongate androecium, but with a broader and tapered androphore, not hidden by the anthers; in H. majuscula the pedicel is articulated.