Mischocarpus lachnocarpus

Primary tabs

Mischocarpus lachnocarpus


Shrub or tree, up to 20 m high; Leaves 1- or 2- (or 3-)jugate; Inflorescences axillary and pseudoterminal, up to 14 cm long; Petals 0. Stamens 8, up to 2 mm long; Fruits 12-16(-20) mm high, densely ferrugineous-villous to velutinous, (partly glabrescent); Seeds globose, c. 7 mm long;


Aru Islands present, Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Australasia, N and E Queensland present, NE New South Wales present, S and E Papua New Guinea up to Normanby I present
Australia (N and E Queensland, NE New South Wales) and Malesia: New Guinea (Aru Islands and S and E Papua New Guinea up to Normanby I.).


Domin 1927 – In: Bibl. Bot. p 910
Merr. & L.M. Perry 1940 – In: J. Arnold Arbor. 21. p 523
F.M. Bailey 1899 – In: Queensl. Fl. p 296
R.W. Ham 1977 – In: Blumea. p 268
Radlk. 1879 – In: Sitzungs-,ber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München. 536, 647
F. Muell. 1865 – In: Fragm. Phyt. Austral. p 6
F. Muell. 1899 – In: Queensl. Agr. J. p 396
S.T. Reynolds 1985: p. 96. – In: Fl. Austral. f. 21a, b, map 123
F. Muell. 1875 – In: Fragm. Phyt. Austral. p 91
C.T. White 1933 – In: Contr. Arnold Arbor. p 63
Radlk. 1933 – In: Engl., Pflanzenr. 98. p 1304