
Primary tabs



Shrub to tree. Branchlets usually sericeous to hirsute. Leaves paripinnate, 1-9-jugate, without pseudostipules; Inflorescence a thyrse, (ramiflorous to) axillary (to pseudoterminal), usually few-flowered; Flowers zy-gomorphic, seemingly bisexual, but presumably actually unisexual. Sepals 5 (or 6), margin usually with glands; Petals (4 or) 5 (or 6), usually distinctly clawed; Stamens 8 (or 7); Fruit an obcordate loculicidal capsule with 3 lobes, of which one to all develop; Seeds orbicular to obovoid, black;


Asia-Tropical: Thailand (Thailand present), E Australia present, New Caledonia present, Pacific present: Samoa (Samoa present), S Vietnam present, SE Asia present
65 species in SE Asia (Thailand to S Vietnam as northern limit) throughout Malesia (43 species) to E Australia and into the Pacific up to Samoa and New Caledonia


1. An infrageneric classification can be found in Van Welzen (1989: 131— 136).
2. A monographic study including a phylogenetic analysis (chapter 11) and historical biogeographical patterns of Guioa species mainly in relation to cicada genera (chapter 12) can also be found in Van Welzen (1989).
3. Several species, found in New Guinea, can be characterized by their type of petal (well-clawed, scaled, and crested). The difficult delimitation in this G. rigidiuscula group is explained in chapter 9 of Van Welzen (1989).


Welzen 1989 – In: Leiden Bot. Series. p 146
Radlk. 1933 – In: Engl., Pflanzenr. 98. p 1157
S.T. Reynolds 1985 – In: Fl. Austral. p 47
1933 – In: Engl., Pflanzenr. 98. p 1164
1933 – In: Engl., Pflanzenr. 98. p 1158
Yap 1989 – In: Tree Fl. Malaya. p 441