Mapania tenuiscapa

Primary tabs

Mapania tenuiscapa


Leaves densely crowded, subcoriaceous, linear, with the midnerve prominent beneath, somewhat plicate lengthwise along several distinct lateral nerves, slightly narrowed towards the conduplicate base, very gradually narrowed into a long, flagelliform, triquetrous, aculeate-scabrous acumen, densely aculeate-scabrous throughout the margins and on the midnerve beneath, pale or bright green, up to 1 m by 7-10 mm; Inflorescence consisting of a single spikelet, ovoid when in fruit, terete, acute, 10-15 by 5-6(-10 when in fruit) mm. Flowers about as long as the glumes;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sarawak present); Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); New Guinea present; Thailand (Thailand present), Japen-Biak present, Johore present, Kedah present, Malacca present, P. Langkawi present, Pahang present, Palmer River present, Papua present, Perak present, W. New Guinea present
Thailand, Indo-China; in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Kedah, Perak, Pahang, Malacca, Johore, P. Langkawi), Borneo (Sarawak), New Guinea (W. New Guinea: Japen-Biak; Papua: Palmer River).


CLARKE says that the spikelets are “more or less compound (i.e. basal partial spikes containing more than one spikelet)”. I always find them simple.
In the New Guinea specimens (M. archboldii.UITTIEN) the fruits are 6-7 mm long, in the other specimens examined 4-6 mm. Otherwise M. archboldii agrees in details with M. tenuiscapa.


Merr. 1921: En. Born. p 65
Clarke 1898 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 95
Ridl. 1907 – In: Mat. Fl. Mal. Pen. (Monoc.). p 105
S.T. BLAKE 1947 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 211
Clarke 1925 – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. p 173
UITTIEN 1936 – In: Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. p 150