Mapania squamata
Leaves subcoriaceous, broadly linear, with the midnerve prominent beneath and 2 of the lateral nerves prominent above, densely serrulate-scabrous throughout the margins and on the upper part of the midnerve on the lower surface, pale glaucous, slightly narrowed towards the conduplicate base, rather suddenly narrowed upwards into a 7-14 cm long, triquetrous, very scabrous tail, 50-150(−180) by (2-)3½-5 cm;
Inflorescence consisting of a single spikelet or composed of 2-5 fasciculately arranged spikelets (both types often occurring on the same plant).
Flowers (11-)15(-17) mm long;
Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sarawak present); Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present, Singapore present), Batu Tiga present, Bukit Timah present, E. Borneo present, Gunong Panti present, Johore present, Matang present, Mt Kinabalu present, N. Borneo present, Nunukan present, Sandakan present, Selangor present, W. Java present, W. Kutei present
Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Selangor: Batu Tiga; Johore: Gunong Panti; Singapore: Bukit Timah), W. Java (very rare), Borneo (Sarawak: Matang; N. Borneo: Sandakan, Mt Kinabalu; E. Borneo: Nunukan, W. Kutei).
Not known from Sumatra and Central Java; the records “Palembang” and “Sumatra” (UITTIEN, l.c.) refer to leaves of Pandanaceae; WALLICH 3541, also cited under M. squamata, is the type collection of M. wallichii.
Ridl. 1925 – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. p 173
SCHEFF. 1874 – In: Nat. Tijd. N. I. p 90
Clarke 1949 – In: Back., Bekn. Fl. Java, (em. ed.), 10. fam. 246, p. 50
UITTIEN 1936 – In: Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. p 149
PFEIFF. 1925: p. 449. – In: Bot. Arch. f. 9
KERN 1968 – In: Back. & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 3. p 455