Mapania wallichii

Primary tabs

Mapania wallichii


Leaves coriaceous, linear, with only the midnerve prominent beneath and sometimes 2 of the lateral nerves somewhat prominent above, densely serrulate-scabrous throughout the margins and on the upper part of the midnerve on the lower surface, dark green, slightly narrowed towards the conduplicate base, very gradually narrowed into a long, aculeate-scabrous, triquetrous acumen, shining above, dull beneath, up to 150 by 1-2 cm; Inflorescence always a single spikelet, ovoid-conical, terete, acute, 2-4 by 1½-2 cm. Flowers about as long as the glumes.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present, Singapore present), Banka present, P. Batam present, P. Lingga present, P. Musala present, W. of Sumatra present
Malesia: P. Musala (W. of Sumatra), Banka, P. Lingga, Malay Peninsula (Singapore, P. Batam), Borneo.


M. wallichii is so near to M. squamata that I very much doubt whether the two are specifically distinct. As their distribution is practically the same, they cannot represent geographical races. In general M. wallichii is characterized by the stiff, narrow, dark green leaves, the inflorescence always consisting of a single spikelet, the usually much longer scapes, and the quite or almost wingless outermost flower-scales, but throughout the genus these characters are not very satisfactory. The question should be studied in the field, e.g. on Bukit Timah (Singapore), where both occur.


Ridl. 1907 – In: Mat. Fl. Mal. Pen. (Monoc.). p 105
Clarke 1908 – In: Kew Bull. p 130
Ridl. 1925: p. 173. – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. f. 220
UITTIEN 1936 – In: Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. p 148
Clarke 1898 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 95
Clarke 1909: Ill. Cyp. t. 110, f. 1-6
Merr. 1921: En. Born. p 65