Mapania micropandanus

Primary tabs

Mapania micropandanus


Leaves herbaceous, linear, pale green, with denticulate-aculeate margins throughout their length, 20-40 cm by 8-13 mm, the apex rather abruptly narrowed into the acute tip, not caudate, the base slightly narrowed, conduplicate, the midrib prominent on the underside and 2 of the lateral nerves prominent on the upper side, all 3 main nerves scabrous on their raised surface almost from base to apex of the leaf. Flowers as long as the subtending glume (c. 15 mm), linear; Stamens 3;


Asia-Tropical: Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present), Pulau Tioman present, SE. Johore present, Sungai Sedili basin present
Malesia: Malay Peninsula (SE. Johore: Sungai Sedili basin; Pulau Tioman).


This remarkable species, like a miniature Pandanus, is distinct from all other species by the non-caudate leaves toothed on the margins and throughout the three main veins. Its nearest ally may be M. graminea UITTIEN from Borneo, in which the spikelets are often also subsessile and trigonous, the texture and nervature of the glumes very similar, and the outermost flower scales also winged.