Mapania sect. Macrolepironia
UITTIEN referred M. richardsii and M. longiflora to this section. However, their inflorescence is composed of several spikelets, exactly as in M. debilis, which he placed in the preceding section. In future the three might be treated as a separate section.
In M. cuspidata, M. squamata, M. spadicea, and M. graminea there are not rarely some secondary spikelets branching from the axils of the lower (‘empty’) glumes; usually there is no distinct involucre, but sometimes the lower glumes assume the aspect of involucral bracts.
In M. cuspidata, M. squamata, M. spadicea, and M. graminea there are not rarely some secondary spikelets branching from the axils of the lower (‘empty’) glumes; usually there is no distinct involucre, but sometimes the lower glumes assume the aspect of involucral bracts.