Arthrophyllum macranthum

Primary tabs

Arthrophyllum macranthum


Tree up to 25 m, sparsely branched with leaves crowded at the ends of the branches, all young parts with dense rufous tomentum which may persist on the flowers and inflorescence. Leaves multijugate, up to 100 by 30 cm; Inflorescence a whorl of specialized leafy branches forming a terminal crown; Petals 5, triangular, c. 4 mm long, fleshy. Stamens 5. Ovary obconical, c. 2½ mm long; Fruit ellipsoid, sometimes slightly oblique, c. 12 by 8 mm, the stylopodium forming a conical beak with the persistent stigma;


Asia-Tropical: Bismarck Archipelago (Bismarck Archipelago present); New Guinea present (Irian Jaya present), Milne Bay Distr present
Malesia: New Guinea (from Irian Jaya to Milne Bay Distr. and the Bismarck Archipelago).


Trees become very different in appearance when in flower or fruit: the spiral pinnate foliage leaves are surmounted by tufts of branches which end in inflorescences and bear much smaller leaves. The foliage leaves are fleshy, leathery and glossy. The ripe fruit is purple and shining. The bark is grey, at first smooth with many leaf-scars and lenticels, but small longitudinal fissures develop. The cut branches exude a brown latex and a scent of celery. The soft wood is white or straw-coloured.


Philipson 1977: p. 308. – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. f. 16