
Primary tabs


<<<Flowers>Petals>Ligula>Ligula number

1. 004-002-002-001


white in Guianan species2
2. 005-001-002-001

<<Flowers>Petals>Growth form

firm and erect or soon flaccid and drooping3
3. 004-002-003


bearing ligules at the base (not always, see below)4
4. 004-002-002


free or connate in a tube much shorter than the sepals5
5. 004-002-001


symmetric or subsymmetric6
6. 004-001-001


with a long straight basal coma ()7
7. 005-001-002


8. 005-001-001


inconspicuously lepidote9
9. 002-001-002


predominantly ligulate10
10. 002-001-001


centrally symmetric11
11. 002-002-001


ovary nearly or quite superior;12
12. 004-004


ovules many, usually caudate.13
13. 004-005


petals , , ;14
14. 004-002


sepals convolute, free or nearly so, ;15
15. 004-001


stamens included or exserted;16
16. 004-003


seeds .17
17. 005-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts generally ample.18
18. 003-003


scape usually conspicuous;19
19. 003-002


usually of distichous-flowered spikes, rarely of one- or more polystichous-flowered spikes20
20. 003-001


blades and ;21
21. 002-001


leaf scales .22
22. 002-002


Lindley 1959 – In: Taxon. p 232
Andre 1903 – In: Bull. Herb. Boiss. p 131


Acaulescent and usually epiphytic herbs. Leaves rosulate, entire; blades predominantly ligulate and inconspicuously lepidote; leaf scales centrally symmetric. Inflorescence various, usually of distichous-flowered spikes, rarely of one- or more polystichous-flowered spikes; scape usually conspicuous; floral bracts generally ample. Flowers perfect, mostly short-pedicellate, becoming secund in many species; sepals convolute, free or nearly so, symmetric or subsymmetric; petals free or connate in a tube much shorter than the sepals, bearing 2 ligules at the base (not always, see below), firm and erect or soon flaccid and drooping; stamens included or exserted; ovary nearly or quite superior; ovules many, usually caudate. Fruit capsular, seeds fusiformwith a long straight basal coma (white in Guianan species).


Flowers perfect, mostly short-pedicellate, becoming secund in many species;23
23. 004


Fruit capsular,24
24. 005


Acaulescent and usually epiphytic herbs.25
25. 001


Inflorescence various, ;26
26. 003


Leaves rosulate, entire;27
27. 002


Vriesea differs from Tillandsia by bearing 2 ligules at the base of the petal-claw. These ligules are often reduced and very difficult to find, even present or absent within one species (at least in 2 species recorded for the Guianas: Vriesea incurva and Vriesea duidae). This makes the distinction of Vriesea highly artificial, but it is not recommended to put Vriesea simply into synonymy of Tillandsia. More study of the flowers is needed to distinguish more natural groups (genera) within the Tillandsia-Vriesea complex.
KEY: For practical reasons, pointed out before, the species of Vriesea and Tillandsia are combined in one key (see under Tillandsia).