Tapura capitulifera

Primary tabs

Tapura capitulifera


<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Bicucullate lobes>Lobe number

1. 005-003-002-001-001

<<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Smaller lobes>Lobe number

2. 005-003-002-002-001


3. 005-002-002-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Bicucullate lobes

large bicucullate lobes4
4. 005-003-002-001

<<<Flowers>Corolla>Lobes>Smaller lobes

slightly smaller simple lobes5
5. 005-003-002-002


glabrous on exterior, filled by a dense lanate mass within6
6. 005-003-003-001

<<<Flowers>Fertile stamens>Filaments>Hairs

lanate at base7
7. 005-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Fertile stamens>Filaments>Staminodes

staminodes absent8
8. 005-004-002-002

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Segment number

9. 005-005-003-001


3-10 mm long10
10. 003-003-003-001


5-12 x 1.8-5 cm11
11. 003-003-002-001


12. 005-001-003


ca. 0.5 mm long13
13. 005-001-002


14. 005-001-001


-tomentellous on exterior15
15. 005-002-002


2-3 mm long16
16. 005-002-001


lobes unequal;17
17. 005-002-003


white or yellow18
18. 005-003-001


with and , united at base to form a short tube19
19. 005-003-002


tube ;20
20. 005-003-003

<<Flowers>Fertile stamens>Filaments

filaments inserted on corolla tube at base of lobes, , ;21
21. 005-004-002

<<Flowers>Fertile stamens>Stamen number

22. 005-004-001


pilose on exterior23
23. 005-005-002

<<Flowers>Ovary>Locule number

24. 005-005-001


style with apex.25
25. 005-005-003


glabrous within26
26. 006-006-001


27. 006-004-001

<<Habit>Juvenile branches>Hairs

tomentellous, soon becoming glabrous28
28. 001-002-001


29. 003-003-003


glabrous or with a few stiff appressed hairs only beneath30
30. 003-003-005


oblong to obovate-lanceolate, , acuminate at apex31 subcuneate and slightly unequal at base32
31. 003-003-002, 32. 003-003-004


33. 003-003-001

<<Petiole>Midrib>Secondary vein pair number

9-15 pairs34
34. 003-004-001


bracteoles , , persistent, ;35
35. 005-001


calyx , ,36
36. 005-002


corolla , slightly exceeding calyx lobes, ,37
37. 005-003

<Flowers>Fertile stamens

fertile stamens , alternating with corolla lobes,38
38. 005-004


ovary , ,39
39. 005-005


endocarp thin, hard, bony, .40
40. 006-006


epicarp ,41
41. 006-004


12-18 mm long42
42. 006-002

<Fruits>Locule number

usually 1-locular43
43. 006-003


mesocarp thin,44
44. 006-005


45. 006-001


to 15 m tall46
46. 001-001

<Habit>Juvenile branches

young branches .47
47. 001-002


blade , , , , , papillose;48
48. 003-003


tomentellous when young, becoming less so with age49
49. 003-002


5-15 mm long50
50. 003-001


midrib slightly impressed above, prominent and with a sparse appressed pubescence beneath, of secondary veins, arcuate, anastomosing.51
51. 003-004


52. 002-003


ca. 1.5 mm long53
53. 002-002


54. 002-001

Common Name

English (Guyana): waiaballi English (Suriname): sibalidan


Tree to 15 m tall; young branches tomentellous, soon becoming glabrous. Stipules triangular-lanceolate, ca. 1.5 mm long, pubescent, caducous. Petiole 5-15 mm long, tomentellous when young, becoming less so with age, canaliculate; blade coriaceous, oblong to obovate-lanceolate, 5-12 x 1.8-5 cm, acuminate at apex, acumen 3-10 mm long, subcuneate and slightly unequal at base, glabrous or with a few stiff appressed hairs only beneath, papillose; midrib slightly impressed above, prominent and with a sparse appressed pubescence beneath, 9-15 pairs of secondary veins, arcuate, anastomosing. Inflorescence a dense-flowered glomerule inserted on upper portion of petiole. Flowers hermaphrodite, sessile or subsessile; bracteoles ovate, ca. 0.5 mm long, persistent, pubescent; calyx 2-3 mm long, grey-tomentellous on exterior, lobes unequal; corolla white or yellow, slightly exceeding calyx lobes, with 2 large bicucullate lobes and 3 slightly smaller simple lobes, united at base to form a short tube, tube glabrous on exterior, filled by a dense lanate mass within; fertile stamens 5, alternating with corolla lobes, filaments inserted on corolla tube at base of lobes, lanate at base, staminodes absent; ovary 3-locular, pilose on exterior, style with 3-fid apex. Fruit ellipsoid, 12-18 mm long, usually 1-locular, epicarp short-dense-velutinous-tomentose, mesocarp thin, endocarp thin, hard, bony, glabrous within.


Guianas present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Venezuela, and the Guianas; (GU: 7; SU: 18; FG: 10).


Flowers hermaphrodite, sessile or subsessile;55
55. 005


Fruit , , ,56
56. 006


Tree ;57
57. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Sectie O, Stahel 133 Cr. Baboune, de Granville 4798 Guyana, A. Thompson’s Farm, S of Timehri, Maas & Westra 3609 Guyana, Demerara-Berbice Region, Tropenbos Field Station, 20 km S of Mabura Hill, road to Kurupukari, Clarke 751 Suriname, Brownsberg, Tjon Lim Sang, LBB 16277 SW of Sinnamary, piste de St. Elie, Monot 52


Inflorescence a dense-flowered glomerule inserted on upper portion of petiole.58
58. 004


Tapura capitulifera is clearly distinct from T. guianensis by the floral structure, but sterile herbarium material is often impossible to distinguish. There are some small, but not consistent, vegetative differences such as the papillose under surface of the leaf, and the tendency to smaller narrower leaves in T. capitulifera. However, in both species there is much variation in leaf shape and size. This is well demonstrated in various Suriname collections where a large number of gatherings have been made from the same numbered tree over several years. Flowering herbarium material is needed to distinguish between T. guianensis and T. capitulifera. However, Dr. Jan C. Lindeman of Utrecht informs me that these two species are quite easy to distinguish in the field. T. capitulifera has a distinct pale dull grey leaf undersurface while both sides of the leaves of T. guianensis are green. Also T. capitulifera usually develops into a much larger tree.


Petiole , , canaliculate;59
59. 003


Flowering .


Stipules , , , caducous.60
60. 002