Clavija macrophylla

Primary tabs

Clavija macrophylla


<<<<Flowers>Filaments>Male and bisexual flowers>Tube>Length

0.5-1 mm long1
1. 004-004-001-001-001


3-4 x 3-4.2 mm2
2. 004-003-003-001


2-2.2 mm long3
3. 004-003-002-001

<<<Flowers>Filaments>Female flowers>Length

ca. 0.5 mm long4
4. 004-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Filaments>Male and bisexual flowers>Tube

5. 004-004-001-001

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Bisexual flowers>Ovule number

6. 004-005-002-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Bisexual flowers>Shape

narrowly ovoid7
7. 004-005-002-001

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Male flowers>Shape

8. 004-005-001-001

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Pistillate flowers>Ovule number

9. 004-005-003-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Pistillate flowers>Shape

10. 004-005-003-001


acute or short-acuminate11
11. 002-004-004-001


12. 002-004-006-003

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

13. 002-004-006-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Teeth number per side

14. 002-004-006-002

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Dimensions

1.5-2 x 1.8-2.2 mm long15
15. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Hairs

16. 004-002-003

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Shape

very broadly ovate17
17. 004-002-001


18. 004-003-001


lobes ;19
19. 004-003-003


tube ,20
20. 004-003-002

<<Flowers>Filaments>Female flowers

in female flowers free,21
21. 004-004-002

<<Flowers>Filaments>Male and bisexual flowers

in male and bisexual flowers fused into a22
22. 004-004-001

<<Flowers>Pistil>Bisexual flowers

in bisexual flowers with ovules23
23. 004-005-002

<<Flowers>Pistil>Male flowers

male flowers24
24. 004-005-001

<<Flowers>Pistil>Pistillate flowers

in pistillate flowers with ovules25
25. 004-005-003


outside smooth26
26. 005-003-002


0.2-0.4 mm thick27
27. 005-003-001


5.5-11 mm long28
28. 005-004-002

<<Fruits>Seeds>Seed number

29. 005-004-001

<<Habit>Juvenile shoots>Hairs

glabrous or subglabrous30
30. 001-002-001


0.7-1 mm long31
31. 003-005-001


inserted at nodes32
32. 003-005-002

<<Inflorescences>Female plants>Flower number

up to ca. 15 flowers33
33. 003-002-002

<<Inflorescences>Female plants>Length

ca. 3.5 cm long34
34. 003-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Male and bisexual plants>Flower number

5-35 flowers35
35. 003-001-002

<<Inflorescences>Male and bisexual plants>Length

to 14 cm long36
36. 003-001-001


1-2 mm long37
37. 003-004-001


puberulous or subglabrous38
38. 003-003-002


0.5-1 mm thick39
39. 003-003-001


apex ,40
40. 002-004-004


base narrowly attenuate or attenuate,41
41. 002-004-005


16-37 x 4-13 cm42
42. 002-004-003


margin , with teeth per side, ;43
43. 002-004-006


oblanceolate or sometimes narrowly obovate44
44. 002-004-002


45. 002-004-001

<Flowers>Calyx lobes

calyx lobes , , ;46
46. 004-002


corolla ,47
47. 004-003


stamen filaments , ;48
48. 004-004


49. 004-001


pistil in , ,50
50. 004-005


51. 005-001


1-3 cm diam.52
52. 005-002


pericarp , ;53
53. 005-003


seeds , .54
54. 005-004


2 m high55
55. 001-001

<Habit>Juvenile shoots

young shoots .56
56. 001-002


bracts ,57
57. 003-005

<Inflorescences>Female plants

female plants to with58
58. 003-002

<Inflorescences>Male and bisexual plants

male and bisexual plants with59
59. 003-001


pedicels ;60
60. 003-004


rachis , ;61
61. 003-003


blade , , ,62
62. 002-004


63. 002-003

<Petiole>Lateral veins

lateral veins rather inconspicuous, surface between veinlets striate or sometimes smooth.64
64. 002-005


0.5-3.5 cm long65
65. 002-001


1.3-2.4 mm thick66
66. 002-002


Shrub to at least 2 m high; young shoots glabrous or subglabrous. Petiole 0.5-3.5 cm long, 1.3-2.4 mm thick, glabrous; blade coriaceous, oblanceolate or sometimes narrowly obovate, 16-37 x 4-13 cm, apex acute or short-acuminate, base narrowly attenuate or attenuate, margin spinose-serrate, with 15-35 teeth per side, glabrous; lateral veins rather inconspicuous, surface between veinlets striate or sometimes smooth. Inflorescence in male and bisexual plants to 14 cm long with 5-35 flowers, in female plants to ca. 3.5 cm long with up to ca. 15 flowers; rachis 0.5-1 mm thick, puberulous or subglabrous; pedicels 1-2 mm long; bracts 0.7-1 mm long, inserted at nodesFlowers 5-merous; calyx lobes very broadly ovate, 1.5-2 x 1.8-2.2 mm long, glabrous; corolla orange, tube 2-2.2 mm long, lobes 3-4 x 3-4.2 mm; stamen filaments in male and bisexual flowers fused into a tube 0.5-1 mm long, in female flowers free, ca. 0.5 mm long; pistil in male flowers sublinear, in bisexual flowers narrowly ovoid with 4-20 ovules, in pistillate flowers ovoid with 15-25 ovulesFruit orange-yellow, 1-3 cm diam., pericarp 0.2-0.4 mm thick, outside smooth; seeds 1-9, 5.5-11 mm long.


Guianas present, NE Brazil present, SW Guianas present
SW Guianas and NE Brazil; 30 collections studied, 8 of which from the Guianas (GU: 9).


Flowers ;67
67. 004


Fruit , ,68
68. 005


Shrub to at least ;69
69. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Rupunini Distr., Shea Rock, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 4845 Guyana, Takutu R., W parts of Kanuku Mts., A.C. Smith 3172 Guyana, Rupununi R., near mouth of Chairwair Cr., A.C. Smith 2365 Guyana, Pirara, Ro. Schomburgk ser II, 419


Inflorescence in , in ;70
70. 003


Petiole , , ;71
71. 002


Flowering from .