
Primary tabs


<<Female flowers>Ovary>Margins

margin fimbriate.1
1. 007-003-003

<<Female flowers>Ovary>Stigma

stigma mostly diagonally placed, large, fleshy,2
2. 007-003-002

<<Female flowers>Ovary>Style

style sigmoid or straight, moderately thick or thinner towards base,3
3. 007-003-001

<<Flowers>Perianth segments>Inner segments

inner segments narrower and imbricate or valvate.4
4. 005-001-002

<<Flowers>Perianth segments>Outer segments

outer segments quincuncial or imbricate,5
5. 005-001-001


cotyledons free and rather thick, or connate and ruminate.6
6. 008-001

<Female flowers>Ovary

ovary laterally somewhat compressed,7
7. 007-003

<Female flowers>Perianth segments

8-12 perianth segments;8
8. 007-001

<Female flowers>Stamens

stamens absent, glands 4-5(-10-12), free or connate;9
9. 007-002

<Flowers>Perianth segments

perianth segments free, minutely pubescent on both sides,10
10. 005-001


bracteoles of male flowers 4, ± equal, free, partly including flower buds from cincinnus, bracteoles of female flower 2, connate, forming fleshy, campanulate cupule.11
11. 003-006


bracts generally present;12
12. 003-005


cincinni with 3 flowers (rarely 2 or 1):13
13. 003-002


2 (1) lateral male flower(s) and 1 central, subsessile female flower (rarely bisexual) on branches of the first (rarely second) order, or on main axis;14
14. 003-003


upper parts of branches somewhat tawny or white pubescent, rarely glabrous;15
15. 003-004


peduncles elongate (rarely short);16
16. 003-001

<Male flowers>Filaments

stamen filaments short, each with 2 yellow, somewhat stalked, glandular appendages, free or united;17
17. 006-002

<Male flowers>Perianth segments

6-12 perianth segments;18
18. 006-001

<Male flowers>Pistil

pistil rudimentary.19
19. 006-005

<Male flowers>Pollen

pollen 90-160 μm, spinose;20
20. 006-003

<Male flowers>Staminodes

staminodes absent;21
21. 006-004


Trees, rarely shrubs, in general evergreen (rarely deciduous). Leaves simple (rarely 3-5-lobed), often peltate, cystoliths absent. Inflorescences consisting of a branched axis and flowers in cincinni; peduncles elongate (rarely short); cincinni with 3 flowers (rarely 2 or 1): 2 (1) lateral male flower(s) and 1 central, subsessile female flower (rarely bisexual) on branches of the first (rarely second) order, or on main axis; upper parts of branches somewhat tawny or white pubescent, rarely glabrous; bracts generally present; bracteoles of male flowers 4, ± equal, free, partly including flower buds from cincinnus, bracteoles of female flower 2, connate, forming fleshy, campanulate cupule. Flower buds ovoid, rarely globose. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, then monoecious, rarely dioecious; perianth segments free, minutely pubescent on both sides, outer segments quincuncial or imbricate, inner segments narrower and imbricate or valvate. Male flowers: 6-12 perianth segments; stamen filaments short, each with 2 yellow, somewhat stalked, glandular appendages, free or united; pollen 90-160 μm, spinose; staminodes absent; pistil rudimentary. Female flowers: 8-12 perianth segments; stamens absent, glands 4-5(-10-12), free or connate; ovary laterally somewhat compressed, style sigmoid or straight, moderately thick or thinner towards base, stigma mostly diagonally placed, large, fleshy, margin fimbriate. Drupes black, ovoid or ellipsoid, ribbed/striped, included in cupule; cotyledons free and rather thick, or connate and ruminate. Dispersal of fruits zoöchorous or hydrochorous.


Dispersal of fruits zoöchorous or hydrochorous.22
22. 009


Guianas present, Indomalaysia present, Pacific islands present, Pantropical present, Southern America, West Africa present, coastal regions in Central America present
Pantropical, 26 species; most frequent in coastal regions in Central America, the Guianas, West Indies, West Africa, Indomalaysia, Pacific Islands.


Drupes black, ovoid or ellipsoid, ribbed/striped, included in cupule;23
23. 008

Female flowers

Female flowers:24
24. 007

Flower buds

Flower buds ovoid, rarely globose.25
25. 004


Flowers bisexual or unisexual, then monoecious, rarely dioecious;26
26. 005


Trees, rarely shrubs, in general evergreen (rarely deciduous).27
27. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Lanjouw & Lindeman 1547 Suriname, Stahel 380


Inflorescences consisting of a branched axis and flowers in cincinni;28
28. 003


Leaves simple (rarely 3-5-lobed), often peltate, cystoliths absent.29
29. 002

Male flowers

Male flowers:30
30. 006


Growth rings usually present, boundaries indicated by a few to several rows of flattened fibres, occasionally by a more or less continuous band of parenchyma.
Vessels diffuse, for the greater part solitary (50-80 %), the remainder in radial pairs, seldom in longer chains or in clusters, outline round to oval, 160-250 μm wide; number very scarce, 1.5 (0-3) per mm². Vessel member length 580 (300-840) μm. Intervessel pits large, alternate, 14-17 μm with included, wide apertures. Vessel-ray pits and vessel-parenchyma pits of two types, similar to the intervessl pits and very large and irregular-shaped, with strongly reduced borders.
Rays 1-4-seriate, uniseriates rather scarce; 4 (2-5) per mm; almost homocellular, marginal cells of the same height as the procumbent cells; multiseriates usually with short uniseriate margins; height up to 600 μm (18 cells).
Parenchyma mainly paratracheal, ranging from vasicentric to aliform and aliform-confluent, also some diffuse and in aggregates; strands of 2-4 cells.
Fibres non-septate, thin-walled (2-2.5 μm), diam. 23-25 μm. Intercellular cavities obvious. Pits minute, bordered, in radial walls. Length of fibres 1272 (990-1450) μm. F/V ratio 2.2.