
Primary tabs


<<<Flowers>Ovary>Ovules>Ovule number

1. 004-003-001-001


entire or furcate2
2. 004-003-002-002

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Stigma>Stigma number

3. 004-003-002-001


ovule , subapically attached,4
4. 004-003-001


stigmas , .5
5. 004-003-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

(3), 4, 5, or up to 86
6. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Tepals>Tepal number

(3), 4 or 57
7. 004-001-001


8. 002-001-001


ovary free, unilocular,9
9. 004-003


stamens , straight in the bud;10
10. 004-002


tepals ;11
11. 004-001


cotyledons various.12
12. 005-002


endosperm lacking or present;13
13. 005-001


blade entire, pinnately veined.14
14. 002-002


stipules free, ;15
15. 002-001


Trees, shrubs or climbers, terrestrial, monoecious (or dioecious), sap watery. Leaves alternate, distichous; stipules free, lateral; blade entire, pinnately veined. Inflorescences in the leaf axils or just below the leaves, bisexual or unisexual, branched or unbranched, bracteate. Flowers unisexual (or bisexual); tepals (3), 4 or 5; stamens (3), 4, 5, or up to 8, straight in the bud; ovary free, unilocular, ovule 1, subapically attached, stigmas 2, entire or furcate. Fruit drupaceous; endosperm lacking or present; cotyledons various.


Guianas present, Neotropics present, Pantropical, extending to north- and south-temperate regions present
Pantropical, extending to north- and south-temperate regions: 15 genera and approx. 150 species; in the Neotropics 6 (or 7) genera and 20-25 species; in the Guianas 3 genera, with one species each.


Flowers unisexual (or bisexual);16
16. 004


Fruit drupaceous;17
17. 005


Trees, shrubs or climbers, terrestrial, monoecious (or dioecious), sap watery.18
18. 001


Inflorescences in the leaf axils or just below the leaves, bisexual or unisexual, branched or unbranched, bracteate.19
19. 003


Leaves alternate, distichous;20
20. 002

Timber properties

The species of Ulmaceae found in the Guianas are of no commercial value, not at present nor in the future. Main reasons are the limited size of the trees or shrubs in combination with the restricted number of individuals.
Description of the woodNo distinction between heartwood and sapwood, pale brown to pale yellow. Texture fine. Grain straight. Lustre medium.
WeightSpecific gravity 780-890 kg per cubic metre (12%).
Vernacular namesAdabadan (GU), Stinkwood (GU), Kwaskwasi-oedoe (SU).
Description of the woodNo distinction between heartwood and sapwood, whitish yellow. Texture coarse. Grain interlocked. No lustre.
WeightSpecific gravity 340-440 kg per cubic metre (12%).
Vernacular namesKabuyakoro (GU), Monoki (GU), Kopi-kopi (SU).


Vessels diffuse, solitary and in multiples of 2-5, perforations simple, inter- vascular pits alternate 8-11 μm, vessel-ray and vessel-parenchyma pits slightly larger.
Rays uniseriate and 2-4 seriate, heterogeneous, rhombic crystals sometimes present.
Parenchyma variable.
Fibres non-septate in Ampelocera and Trema, partly septate in Celtis, pits simple.
KEY FOR IDENTIFICATIONFibres in part septate.Celtis iguanaeaFibres non-septate.2Parenchyma aliform-confluent with long and often narrow wings.Ampelocera edentulaParenchyma very scarce, scanty vasicentric.Trema micrantha