- <<<<Sepals>Petals>Corolla>Shape>Colour
- <<<<Sepals>Petals>Corolla>Shape>Growth form
- <<<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Lower lobes>Growth form
- <<<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Lower lobes>Lobe number
- <<<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Upper lobes>Shape
- <<<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stigma>Position
- <<<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stigma>Shape
- <<<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stylar appendages>Length
- <<<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stylar appendages>Position
- <<<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stylar appendages>Shape
- <<<Capsules>Seeds>Shape>Length
- <<<Capsules>Seeds>Shape>Lobes
- <<<Capsules>Seeds>Shape>Surfaces
- <<<Capsules>Seeds>Shape>Wings
- <<<Scapes>Outer bracts>Floral bracts>Relative dimensions
- <<<Scapes>Outer bracts>Floral bracts>Shape
- <<<Scapes>Spikes>Shape>Width
- <<<Sepals>Petals>Corolla>Length
- <<<Sepals>Petals>Corolla>Shape
- <<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Lobe number
- <<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Lower lobes
- <<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Relative dimensions
- <<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Upper lobes
- <<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Shape
- <<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stigma
- <<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stylar appendages
- <<<Sepals>Stamens>Anthers>Length
- <<<Sepals>Stamens>Filaments>Relative dimensions
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Colour
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Shape
- <<Capsules>Valves>Shape
- <<Habit>Stems>Shape
- <<Leaves>Blade>Shape
- <<Leaves>Margins>Margin type
- <<Leaves>Shape>Colour
- <<Leaves>Shape>Length
- <<Scapes>Outer bracts>Bract number per whorl
- <<Scapes>Outer bracts>Floral bracts
- <<Scapes>Outer bracts>Whorl number
- <<Scapes>Spikes>Flower number
- <<Scapes>Spikes>Shape
- <<Sepals>Petals>Corolla
- <<Sepals>Petals>Limbs
- <<Sepals>Petals>Shape
- <<Sepals>Placenta>Style
- <<Sepals>Stamens>Anthers
- <<Sepals>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Sepals>Stamens>Position
- <<Sepals>Stamens>Stamen number
- <<Sepals>Staminodes>Staminode number
- <Capsules>Length
- <Capsules>Lobe number
- <Capsules>Seeds
- <Capsules>Shape
- <Capsules>Valves
- <Habit>Height
- <Habit>Stems
- <Habit>Texture
- <Leaves>Blade
- <Leaves>Margins
- <Leaves>Shape
- <Scapes>Length
- <Scapes>Outer bracts
- <Scapes>Scape number
- <Scapes>Shape
- <Scapes>Spikes
- <Scapes>Thickness
- <Sepals>Petals
- <Sepals>Placenta
- <Sepals>Sepal number
- <Sepals>Shape
- <Sepals>Stamens
- <Sepals>Staminodes
- Capsules
- Description
- Distribution
- Habit
- Leaves
- Scapes
- Sepals
<<<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Lower lobes>Growth form
spreading outward, forward, slightly down and forming the lower lip3
3. 004-003-003-004-002
patelliform, papillose, later fimbriolate7
7. 004-006-001-002-002
<<<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stylar appendages>Position
arising from ovary summit around style base9
9. 004-006-001-003-002
<<<<Sepals>Placenta>Style>Stylar appendages>Shape
linear, firm, doubled back to form an inverted "U"10
10. 004-006-001-003-001
1 edge forming a narrow, ascending thumb-like lobe12
12. 005-005-002-003
<<<Scapes>Outer bracts>Floral bracts>Relative dimensions
much shorter than sepals15
15. 003-006-003-001
<<<Sepals>Petals>Limbs>Relative dimensions
about as long as excurved tube and throat22
22. 004-003-003-001
linear, lingulate to flat, finely multiveined, apically sharply subulate34
34. 002-002-001
hemispheric to broadly turbinate or globose, across spreading sepal tips42
42. 003-005-002
stems either short, stout, producing dense basal rosettes, or lax, decumbent, and cloaked by higher, looser spirals of leaves.58
58. 001-003
subequal, lanciform-navicular, acuminate, the laterals with broad curved keel, the third thinner and without keel72
72. 004-002
Coarse, smooth, perennials 0.5-2 m high; stems either short, stout, producing dense basal rosettes, or lax, decumbent, elongate and cloaked by higher, looser spirals of leaves. Leaves polystichous, narrowly panduriform, 5-40 cm, firm, bases dilated, clasping with a broad, maroon or red-brown patch, blades variably linear, lingulate to flat, finely multiveined, apically sharply subulate, margins thin, entire aging lacerate. Scapes 1-several from axils of upper leaves, fistulose, terete, 0.2-2 m, to 2 cm thick at base; spikes burr-like, multiflorous, hemispheric to broadly turbinate or globose, 5-10 cm broad across spreading sepal tips; outer bracts in 1(-2) whorls of 3, often empty, floral bracts much shorter than sepals, ovate to broadly lanceolate. Sepals 3, subequal, lanciform-navicular, acuminate, the laterals with broad curved keel, the third thinner and without keel; petals connate, unequal, forming a spreading-excurved, yellow (rarely reddish), two-lipped corolla to 6 cm long, limb about as long as excurved tube and throat, trilobed, upper lobe largest, broadest, forming a hood, the lower 2spreading outward, forward, slightly down and forming the lower lip; staminodes none; stamens 3, adnate to upper corolla tube, filaments longer than anthers, anthers ca. 1 cm long; placentation axile, style elongate, apically curved, with terminal, patelliform, papillose, later fimbriolate, stigma, stylar appendages linear, firm, doubled back to form an inverted "U", arising from ovary summit around style base and 2-2.4 cm long. Capsule ovoid to obovoid, trilobed, 1.5-2 cm, valves thick, tips shallowly bilobed; seeds numerous, irregularly curvate-triangular, 2-4 mm, edged with a broad wing around embryo, 1 edge forming a narrow, ascending thumb-like lobe, surface finely curved-striate, lustrous brown.
S Venezuela present, SW Guyana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present, Roraima present), contiguous highland Brazil present
S Venezuela from Amazonas E into SW Guyana and in contiguous highland Brazil on the Roraima sandstones, usually in boggy pockets amongst rocks and in full sun, at medium to high elevations, 500-2700 m.