Euplassa glaziovii

Primary tabs

Euplassa glaziovii


Tree or shrub up to 12 m; young branches orangeish to dull brown, ferrugineous- to rufous- velutinous to short-pubescent, weakly striate; older branches dark brown to grey/ black, glabrous to patchy short yellow/grey-velutinous, or with patches of a white cuticle, striations faint to very prominent, short-fissured; lenticels numerous. Petiole terete, 3.2-10 cm long, 2-3.5 mm in diam. at base, glabrescent to densely whitish or ferrugineous-puberulent, indument closely appressed, rarely spreading; leaf rhachis (3.5-)7-12.2 cm long, terminal appendix 2-7 x 0.5-1 mm; leaflets sessile or subsessile, petiolules 3-10 mm long, 2-4 mm in diam. at base; leaflets 2-4 pairs, opposite or subopposite, drying black, chartaceous to coriaceous, glabrous to sparsely puberulent above, ferrugineous-puberulent in young leaves, shiny or matt above, glabrous to sparsely white or ferrugineous-puberulent beneath, especially on and near midvein at base of leaflet, hairs generally closely appressed, rarely spreading, commonly asymmetrical, narrowly obovate to ovate, less frequently elliptic, often curving; basal pair of leaflets similar to lateral ones but sometimes suborbicular, 3.2-10 x 3.5-5.6 cm; other leaflets 8.4-14.4 x 3.9-5.8 cm; base equal to weakly oblique, decurrent, apex acute to rounded, sometimes truncate in basal leaflets, commonly retuse to emarginate, margin entire, frequently revolute especially at apex or base of blade; venation reticulodromous to cladodromous, with 3-5 pairs of secondary veins, midvein prominent throughout or only on lower half of blade, reaching apex or frequently inconspicuous or forking towards apex, secondaries wavy, faintly prominent, higher order venation conspicuous on both sides of blade. Inflorescence lax to moderately congested, unbranched, axillary or nearly terminal, 2-3.3 cm in diam.; peduncle (2.3-)3.3-5.7 cm long, 1.5-3 mm in diam.; floral rhachis (5.6-)7.8-24.5 cm long, densely rufous-puberulent to velutino-tomentose; bracteoles heteromorphic, basal ones linear, up to 2 mm long, ferrugineous-hirsute, superior bracteoles smaller, <1 mm long, not recurved; flower-pair peduncle 0.5-3 mm long, rufous-ferrugineous-velutinous to short-pilose; pedicels 1.5-5 mm long. Flower buds not rostrate, 2.25-3 mm broad at apex, ca. 0.75-1 mm broad at midlength, descending to ascending, ferrugineous-velutinous to short-piloseFlowers 7-11 mm long, all tepals recurving at anthesis; tepals 0.5-0.75 mm across at midlength, not or weakly keeled; anthers subsessile, 1.5-2 mm long; hypogynous glands fused into a quadrangle 0.5-1.25 mm high and 1.25-2 mm across; ovary 2-2.5 mm long, ovoid to pyriform to semi ovoid, rufous-hirsuteFruiting peduncle ca. 5.8 cm long; infructescence ca. 25 cm long; fruit pedicel 8-9 mm long, ca. 2 mm thick. Young fruit ovoid, 14 x 8.5 mm, smooth.


Bolivar present, Gran Sabana present, Roraima probably on the Guyanan side present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Common on the Gran Sabana of Venezuela (BolĂ­var); also collected in Roraima probably on the Guyanan side (GU?: 1).


Flowering from , collected with young fruits in .


The type collection of this species, Glaziou 13490, is labeled as from Rio de Janeiro. It is almost certainly an artifact of mislabelling, and represents one of the Schwacke collections pirated by Glaziou.