Echinodorus macrophyllus

Primary tabs

Echinodorus macrophyllus



0.7-1.5 mm long1
1. 004-004-003-001


2. 004-004-004-001


0.5-1.5 mm long3
3. 004-004-002-001


4. 003-006-003-001

<<Flowers>Carpels>Carpel number

30 or more5
5. 004-005-001


6.4-10.5 x 4.5-7.4 mm6
6. 004-003-001


4.1-4.5 x 3.5-5.8 mm7
7. 004-002-002

<<Flowers>Sepals>Growth form

in flower and fruit spreading8
8. 004-002-001


anthers versatile, ,9
9. 004-004-003


apex ;10
10. 004-004-004


filaments ,11
11. 004-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

12. 004-004-001


13. 005-006-001

<<Fruits>Glands>Gland number

14. 005-005-001


15. 005-005-002


apex , not dilated basally;16
16. 003-006-003


3-25 x 2.5-4 mm17
17. 003-006-002


18. 003-006-001

<<Inflorescences>Flower number>Flower number per whorl

19. 003-003-001


0.4-3.5 x 0.03-0.08 cm20
20. 003-007-003

<<Inflorescences>Pedicels>Growth form

in flower and fruit spreading21
21. 003-007-001


cylindrical to triangular22
22. 003-007-002


28.5-50 x 0.3-1 cm23
23. 003-004-001


stellate-pubescent to24
24. 003-005-002


25. 003-005-001


26. 003-005-003


acute to round-ovate to retuse27
27. 002-006-001

<<Leaves>Basal sheaths>Length

to 15 cm long28
28. 002-003-001


cordate to truncate29
29. 002-007-001


8.5-41 x 4.9-26 cm30
30. 002-004-002


ovate to ovate-elliptic31
31. 002-004-001

<<Leaves>Margins>Margin type

32. 002-005-001


17-41 x 0.3-0.5 cm33
33. 002-002-003


stellate-pubescent to34
34. 002-002-001


35. 002-002-002

<<Leaves>Veins>Vein number

36. 002-009-001


carpels .37
37. 004-005


petals not clawed, ;38
38. 004-003


sepals , , with 19-25 veins, not papillose;39
39. 004-002


stamens ,40
40. 004-004


1.5-2.5 cm wide41
41. 004-001


42. 005-006


2.3-2.8 x 1-1.5 mm43
43. 005-002


glands , , between ribs44
44. 005-005

<Fruits>Growth form

45. 005-007

<Fruits>Keel number

slightly 1-keeled46
46. 005-004


0.5-1 mm long47
47. 005-008

<Fruits>Rib number

48. 005-003


flattened, obovate49
49. 005-001


glabrous or stellate-pubescent50
50. 001-002


to 200 cm tall51
51. 001-001


rhizome present;52
52. 001-003


stolon absent.53
53. 001-004


bracts shorter than pedicel subtended, coarse, , ,54
54. 003-006

<Inflorescences>Flower number

whorls with flowers;55
55. 003-003

<Inflorescences>Growth form

56. 003-001


pedicels , , .57
57. 003-007


peduncle ridged, not winged, ;58
58. 003-004


rachis between whorls , not winged, ;59
59. 003-005

<Inflorescences>Whorl number

60. 003-002


apex ,61
61. 002-006

<Leaves>Basal lobes

basal lobes present,62
62. 002-008

<Leaves>Basal sheaths

basal sheath ,63
63. 002-003


base ,64
64. 002-007


blade , ,65
65. 002-004


66. 002-001


margin ,67
67. 002-005

<Leaves>Pellucid markings

pellucid markings absent.68
68. 002-010


petiole ridged, , ,69
69. 002-002


veins ,70
70. 002-009


Herb, perennial, to 200 cm tall, glabrous or stellate-pubescent; rhizome present; stolon absent. Leaves emerged, green-brown, petiole ridged, stellate-pubescent toscabrous, 17-41 x 0.3-0.5 cm, basal sheath to 15 cm long, blade ovate to ovate-elliptic, 8.5-41 x 4.9-26 cm, margin entire, apex acute to round-ovate to retuse, base cordate to truncate, basal lobes present, veins 7-11, pellucid markings absent. Inflorescence paniculate or rarely racemose, erect, with 7-14 whorls, overtopping leaves, not vegetatively proliferating; whorls with 8-20 flowers; peduncle ridged, not winged, 28.5-50 x 0.3-1 cm; rachis between whorls triangular, not winged, stellate-pubescent toscabrous; bracts shorter than pedicel subtended, coarse, elliptic, 3-25 x 2.5-4 mm, apex acute, not dilated basally; pedicels in flower and fruit spreading, cylindrical to triangular, 0.4-3.5 x 0.03-0.08 cm. Flower 1.5-2.5 cm wide; sepals in flower and fruit spreading, 4.1-4.5 x 3.5-5.8 mm, with 19-25 veins, not papillose; petals not clawed, 6.4-10.5 x 4.5-7.4 mm; stamens 18-21, filaments 0.5-1.5 mm long, anthers versatile, 0.7-1.5 mm long, apex obtuse; carpels 30 or more. Fruit flattened, obovate, 2.3-2.8 x 1-1.5 mm, 2-4-ribbed, slightly 1-keeled, glands 1-2(-5), linear-elliptic, between ribs, lbeak lateral, erect, 0.5-1 mm long.


Guianas present, Guyana present, S Nicaragua present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Colombia (Colombia present); Paraguay (Paraguay present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), Suriname present
from S Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname, S to Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay; 40 collections were examined, 9 from the Guianas (GU: 7; SU: 1; FG: 1).


Flower ;71
71. 004


Fruit , , , , , , , .72
72. 005


Herb, perennial, , ;73
73. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Jenman 5272 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Jerome’s Place, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 5037 Richard s.n. Guyana, near New Amsterdam, Jenman 5080 Guyana, Moka Moka Cr., near Kanuku Mts., Goodland 812 Guyana, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Porto d'Estrella, Sellow s.n. Suriname, S of Clara polder, Lanjouw & Lindeman 3144 Guyana, Berbice, Jenman 5162 Guyana, Upper Takutu Distr., Rupununi R., S of Wichabai, Horn & Wiersema 10103 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Aishalton, Stoffers & Görts et al. 425


Inflorescence paniculate or rarely racemose, , with whorls, overtopping leaves, not vegetatively proliferating;74
74. 003


Leaves emerged, ,75
75. 002


The specimen of E. macrophyllus subsp. macrophyllus, listed by Haynes & Holm-Nielsen (1994: 57) as originating from Guyana, is from Brazil.
Jonker (1968: 378) treats E. grandiflorus (Cham. & Schltdl.) Micheli var. floribundus (Seub.) Micheli (= E. grandiflorus subsp. aureus (Fassett) R.R. Haynes & Holm-Niels.) as occurring in Suriname. The only specimen he mentions, however, belongs to E. macrophyllus subsp. scaber.
In the Guianas only: subsp. scaber (Rataj) R.R. Haynes & Holm-Niels.


Flowering and fruiting .