Echinodorus tenellus

Primary tabs

Echinodorus tenellus



ca. 1 mm long1
1. 004-003-002-001


ca. 1 mm long2
2. 004-004-003-001


3. 004-004-004-001


ca. 0.5 mm long4
4. 004-004-002-001


5. 003-007-003-001

<<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Apex>Shape

6. 002-001-006-001

<<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Basal sheaths>Length

1 cm long7
7. 002-001-003-001

<<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Blade>Dimensions

1-7.4 x 0.2-0.5 cm8
8. 002-001-004-002

<<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Blade>Shape

9. 002-001-004-001

<<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Margins>Margin type

10. 002-001-005-001

<<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Petiole>Dimensions

1.2-9.5 x 0.04-0.08 cm11
11. 002-001-002-001

<<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Veins>Vein number

12. 002-001-009-001

<<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Apex>Shape

13. 002-002-005-001

<<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Margins>Margin type

14. 002-002-004-001

<<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Veins>Vein number

15. 002-002-007-001

<<Flowers>Carpels>Carpel number

16. 004-005-001


17. 004-003-002


2.5-4.1 x 1.5-3 mm18
18. 004-003-001


2.5-2.9 mm19
19. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Sepals>Vein number

20. 004-002-002


anthers basifixed, ,21
21. 004-004-003


apex ;22
22. 004-004-004


filaments ,23
23. 004-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

24. 004-004-001

<<Fruits>Beak>Growth form

25. 005-004-002


0.1-0.2 mm long26
26. 005-004-003


27. 005-004-001


apex , not dilated basally;28
28. 003-007-003


2.8-4.9 x 1-2.1 mm29
29. 003-007-002


30. 003-007-001


0.5-3 x 0.03-0.05 cm31
31. 003-008-002

<<Inflorescences>Pedicels>Growth form

in flower and fruit spreading32
32. 003-008-001


12-40 x 0.1-0.2 mm33
33. 003-005-001

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Apex

apex ,34
34. 002-001-006

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Basal lobes

basal lobes absent,35
35. 002-001-008

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Basal sheaths

basal sheath ,36
36. 002-001-003

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Base

base attenuate,37
37. 002-001-007

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Blade

blade , ,38
38. 002-001-004

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Colour

pale green to green-brown39
39. 002-001-001

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Margins

margin ,40
40. 002-001-005

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Pellucid markings

pellucid markings absent;41
41. 002-001-010

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Petiole

petiole terete, ,42
42. 002-001-002

<<Leaves>Emerged leaves>Veins

veins ,43
43. 002-001-009

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Apex

apex ,44
44. 002-002-005

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Base

base tapering,45
45. 002-002-006

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Colour

pale green46
46. 002-002-001

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Dimensions

to 5 x ca. 0.2 cm47
47. 002-002-003

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Margins

margin ,48
48. 002-002-004

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Pellucid markings

pellucid markings absent.49
49. 002-002-008

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Shape

50. 002-002-002

<<Leaves>Submerged leaves>Veins

veins ,51
51. 002-002-007


carpels .52
52. 004-005


petals clawed, , ;53
53. 004-003


sepals in flower and fruit slightly appressed, , with veins, not papillose;54
54. 004-002


stamens ,55
55. 004-004


0.6-0.8 cm wide56
56. 004-001


beak , ,57
57. 005-004


0.8-1.5 x 0.8-1 mm58
58. 005-002

<Fruits>Rib number

59. 005-003


flattened, obovate60
60. 005-001


61. 001-001


to 25 cm tall62
62. 001-002


rhizome absent;63
63. 001-003


stolon present.64
64. 001-004


bracts shorter than pedicel subtended, united, connate half of length, coarse, , , delicate,65
65. 003-007


to 6 x to 8 cm66
66. 003-003

<Inflorescences>Flower number

whorls with 4-6 flowers;67
67. 003-004

<Inflorescences>Growth form

68. 003-001


pedicels , cylindrical, .69
69. 003-008


peduncle terete, not winged, ;70
70. 003-005


rachis, if present, between whorls terete, not winged;71
71. 003-006

<Inflorescences>Whorl number

1 or 272
72. 003-002

<Leaves>Emerged leaves

emerged leaves ,73
73. 002-001

<Leaves>Submerged leaves

submersed leaves , sessile, blade , ,74
74. 002-002


Buchenau 1869 – In: Abh. Naturwiss. Vereins Bremen. p 21


Herb, annual, glabrous, to 25 cm tall; rhizome absent; stolon present. Leaves submersed, or emerged; emerged leaves pale green to green-brown, petiole terete, 1.2-9.5 x 0.04-0.08 cm, basal sheath 1 cm long, blade linear, 1-7.4 x 0.2-0.5 cm, margin entire, apex acute, base attenuate, basal lobes absent, veins 3-5, pellucid markings absent; submersed leaves pale green, sessile, blade linear, to 5 x ca. 0.2 cm, margin entire, apex acute, base tapering, veins 1-3, pellucid markings absent. Inflorescence umbelliform or rarely racemose, erect, with 1 or 2 whorls, overtopping leaves, not vegetatively proliferating, to 6 x to 8 cm; whorls with 4-6 flowers; peduncle terete, not winged, 12-40 x 0.1-0.2 mm; rachis, if present, between whorls terete, not winged; bracts shorter than pedicel subtended, united, connate half of length, coarse, deltoid, 2.8-4.9 x 1-2.1 mm, delicate, apex acute, not dilated basally; pedicels in flower and fruit spreading, cylindrical, 0.5-3 x 0.03-0.05 cm. Flowers 0.6-0.8 cm wide; sepals in flower and fruit slightly appressed, 2.5-2.9 mm, with 3-5 veins, not papillose; petals clawed, 2.5-4.1 x 1.5-3 mm, claw ca. 1 mm long; stamens 9, filaments ca. 0.5 mm long, anthers basifixed, ca. 1 mm long, apex obtuse; carpels 15-20. Fruit flattened, obovate, 0.8-1.5 x 0.8-1 mm, 0-3-ribbed, without keel, eglandular, beak lateral, erect, 0.1-0.2 mm long.


Guyana present, S Brazil present, northeastern U.S.A present
from northeastern U.S.A. to S Brazil; over 70 collections examined, including 4 from Guyana (GU: 4).


Flowers ;75
75. 004


Fruit , , , without keel, eglandular, .76
76. 005


Herb, annual, , ;77
77. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, savanna near Dadanawa Ranch, Görts-van Rijn et al. 242 Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, N of Karanambo, Horn & Wiersema 11083 Guyana, Dadanawa, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3214 Guyana, Rupununi, Farne Pan Lake near Pirara, Graham 389


Inflorescence umbelliform or rarely racemose, , with whorls, overtopping leaves, not vegetatively proliferating, ;78
78. 003


Leaves submersed, or emerged;79
79. 002


Flowers and fruits .


Sold as an aquarium plant under German commercial names of "Zartblättriger Froschlöffel" and "Kleinblättriger Froschlöffel", and English names "Pigmy chain-sword" and "Dwarf Amazonian Swordplant".