
Primary tabs



1. 005-005-003-001


more or less columnar2
2. 005-005-002-001

<<<Calyx>Petals>Shape>Growth form

3. 005-002-002-001


oblong-linear to subovate4
4. 005-003-003-001


5. 005-003-002-001


6. 002-001-001

<<Calyx>Ovary>Locule number

7. 005-005-001


stigma , small.8
8. 005-005-003


style ,9
9. 005-005-002


with a brush of hairs on the inner surface10
10. 005-002-003

<<Calyx>Petals>Petal number

4 (rarely 5)11
11. 005-002-001


linear-oblong, upper half12
12. 005-002-002


anthers ;13
13. 005-003-003


filaments ,14
14. 005-003-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

usually twice the number of petals15
15. 005-003-001


crustaceous to woody16
16. 006-002-001


embryo very small.17
17. 006-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Arrangement>Flower number

18. 004-001-001


19. 002-001


ramal thorns20
20. 002-002


disc absent;21
21. 005-004


ovary superior, in the basal part,22
22. 005-005


petals , free, , , caducous;23
23. 005-002


stamens free, hypogynous, ,24
24. 005-003

<Calyx>Teeth or sepal number

25. 005-001


26. 006-002


endosperm copious, oily,27
27. 006-003


rather thin pulpy pericarp28
28. 006-001


axillary, or at the end of a short lateral branch (which may turn into a thorn), rather pedunculate, sometimes umbel-like cymes, or flowers in fascicles, rarely solitary29
29. 004-001


Branches usually armed with and/or .30
30. 002


Calyx small, saucer-shaped, with teeth or sepals, persistent, hardly or not accrescent in fruit;31
31. 005


Root-parasitic shrubs or low trees. Branches usually armed with axillary spines and/or ramal thorns. Leaves spiral, sometimes fascicled on brachyblasts. Inflorescences axillary, or at the end of a short lateral branch (which may turn into a thorn), rather few-flowered pedunculate, sometimes umbel-like cymes, or flowers in fascicles, rarely solitary. Calyx small, saucer-shaped, with (3-)4(-5) teeth or sepals, persistent, hardly or not accrescent in fruit; petals 4 (rarely 5), free, linear-oblong, upper half recurved, with a brush of hairs on the inner surface, caducous; stamens free, hypogynous, usually twice the number of petals, filaments filiform, anthers oblong-linear to subovate; disc absent; ovary superior, (3-)4-locular in the basal part, style more or less columnar, stigma capitate, small. Drupe with a rather thin pulpy pericarp, and a crustaceous to woody endocarp; endosperm copious, oily, embryo very small.


Guianas present, tropics and subtropics present
8 species in the tropics and subtropics, of rather close affinity. 1 var. of X. americana in the Guianas.


Drupe with a , and a ;32
32. 006


Inflorescences .33
33. 004


Leaves spiral, sometimes fascicled on brachyblasts.34
34. 003


Root-parasitic shrubs or low trees.35
35. 001


Vessels diffuse, almost exclusively solitary (90-99%), rarely in radial multiples of 2, round to oval, 31-58 per sq. mm, diameter 54-84 μm. Vessel- member length: 150-340 μm. Perforations simple. Intervascular pits alternate, round to polygonal, 4-7 μm. Vessel-ray and vessel-parenchyma pits of two types: half-bordered diffuse to alternate (similar in shape and size to intervascular pits) and large and simple. In cross fields with procumbent parenchyma-cells half-bordered pits and in cross fields with square or upright parenchyma-cells large and simple pits. Thin- walled tyloses infrequently present.
Rays of Kribs' heterogeneous type II to III, 1-3 seriate, 8-16 per mm, up to 235 μm high. Perforated ray cells infrequently present.
Parenchyma scanty to fairly common, predominantly apotracheal, dif- fuse or in small aggregates, partly scanty paratracheal, in strands of 3-4 cells.
Ground tissue composed of thinto medium thick-walled fibretracheids, lumen 13-16 μm. Pits bordered, in both radial and tangential walls, diameter of borders 5-6 μm. Length: 600-1193 μm.
Crystals solitary rhomboidal, absent or abundant, in chambered or non-chambered ray cells.

Wood observation species

X. americana