
Primary tabs


<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number

1. 005-005-004-001


ovate oblong2
2. 005-003-004-001


3. 005-004-003-001


filiform, adnate to the basal parts of the petals4
4. 005-004-002-001


5. 005-005-001

<<Calyx>Ovary>Locule number

(3-)4(-5)-locular below, 1-locular above6
6. 005-005-002


stigma shortly .7
7. 005-005-004


style very short,8
8. 005-005-003


lobes ;9
9. 005-003-004

<<Calyx>Petals>Petal number

10. 005-003-001


connate in the lower half11
11. 005-003-003


12. 005-003-002


anthers ;13
13. 005-004-003


filaments ,14
14. 005-004-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

generally 10, sometimes 15 (5 episepalous and 10 epipetalous)15
15. 005-004-001


crustaceous, tuberculate outside16
16. 006-002-001


17. 006-001-001


18. 004-002-001

<<Habit>Juvenile parts>Hairs

covered with a rusty tomentum19
19. 001-003-001


with deep grooves of limited length20
20. 001-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Spikes>Flower number

21. 003-002-001


ovary superior, , ,22
22. 005-005


petals , , ,23
23. 005-003


24. 005-001


stamens ,25
25. 005-004

<Calyx>Teeth number

26. 005-002


embryo minute in top of the copious endosperm, the latter containing amylum, but no fatty substances.27
27. 006-003


endocarp ,28
28. 006-002


with exocarp29
29. 006-001


each flower subtended by a minute caducous bract30
30. 004-002

<Flowers>Fascicle number

31. 004-001

<Habit>Juvenile parts

young parts .32
32. 001-003


milky juice in bark and leaves33
33. 001-001


trunk ;34
34. 001-002


35. 003-001


pedunculate spikes, rather short, generally simple, rarely with few and short branches, flowered36
36. 003-002

<Leaves>Secretory structures

with schizogenous secretory cavities with resinous contents and lactifers, often with spicular cells37
37. 002-001


Calyx , , small, persistent, not accrescent;38
38. 005


Trees with milky juice in bark and leaves; trunk with deep grooves of limited length; young parts covered with a rusty tomentum. Leaves persistent, with schizogenous secretory cavities with resinous contents and lactifers, often with spicular cells. Inflorescences axillary, pedunculate spikes, rather short, generally simple, rarely with few and short branches, many flowered. Flowers hypogynous, small, subsessile, 2-5-fascicled along rachis, each flower subtended by a minute ovate caducous bract. Calyx cupuliform, 5(-6)-denticulate, small, persistent, not accrescent; petals (4-)5-6(-7), fleshy, connate in the lower half, lobes ovate oblong; stamens generally 10, sometimes 15 (5 episepalous and 10 epipetalous), filaments filiform, adnate to the basal parts of the petals, anthers subquadrate-suborbicular; ovary superior, hairy, (3-)4(-5)-locular below, 1-locular above, style very short, stigma shortly 3-5-lobed. Drupe with thin-fleshy exocarp, endocarp crustaceous, tuberculate outside, embryo minute in top of the copious endosperm, the latter containing amylum, but no fatty substances.


C and northern South America present
Monotypic, in C and northern South America.


Drupe ,39
39. 006


Flowers hypogynous, small, subsessile, along rachis, .40
40. 004


Trees with ;41
41. 001


Inflorescences , .42
42. 003


Leaves persistent, .43
43. 002


Vessels diffuse, solitary (9-49%) and in radial multiples of 2-4, round, oval or angular, 14-42 per sq. mm, diameter 63-132 μm. Vessel-member length: 854-1365 μm. Perforations scalariform with 4-9 bars per perfora- tion. Intervascular pits alternate, predominantly angular, partly round or oval, 6-13 μm. Vessel-ray and vessel-parenchyma pits large and simple, forming a scalariform or reticulate pattern. Thin-walled tyloses frequently present.
Rays of Kribs' heterogeneous type I, uniseriate or with very short multise- riate central parts of 2-3 cells wide, 13-21 per mm, up to 2166 μm high. Perforated ray cells not observed.
Parenchyma rather scanty to fairly common, predominantly apotracheal,diffuse and in small aggregates, partly scanty paratracheal, in strands of 6-13 cells.
Ground tissue composed of very thick-walled libriform fibres, lumen 16-27 μm. Minutely bordered pits with slit-like apertures, mainly confined to the radial walls. Length: 1474-2355 μm.
Crystals solitary rhomboidal, infrequently fragmented, in chambered ray or axial parenchyma cells.

Wood observation species

M. guianensis