Minquartia guianensis

Primary tabs

Minquartia guianensis


<<<<Calyx>Petals>Free lobes>Hairs>Growth form

1. 006-004-002-002-001


often slightly tuberculate above2
2. 003-002-005-003-001


3. 002-003-001-001

<<<Calyx>Petals>Free lobes>Hairs

inner side with long hairs4
4. 006-004-002-002

<<<Calyx>Petals>Free lobes>Length

1-1.5 mm long5
5. 006-004-002-003

<<<Calyx>Petals>Free lobes>Shape

subacut apexe6
6. 006-004-002-001

<<<Calyx>Petals>Shape>Relative distance

1-1.5 mm7
7. 006-004-001-001


8. 006-005-001-001


9. 001-003-004-001


10. 001-003-002-001


0.5-2 m long11
11. 001-002-001-001


abruptly short-acuminate, tip acute or bluntish12
12. 003-002-004-001


grayish-olivaceous when dry13
13. 003-002-005-002


glabrous, shiny and , dull and often puberulous especially on the veins beneath14
14. 003-002-005-003


obtuse to rounded-truncate15
15. 003-002-005-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

(6-)10-14(-17) pairs16
16. 003-002-007-001

<<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins>Shape

rather straight-ascending and subparallel, curved before the margin, slightly impressed above, prominent beneath17
17. 003-002-007-002


usually more or less densely -, or mostly rusty-puberulent with branched hairs18
18. 002-003-001


19. 006-006-001

<<Calyx>Petals>Free lobes

free lobes with , ,20
20. 006-004-002


connate into a campanulate tube for21
21. 006-004-001


filaments ;22
22. 006-005-001


2-3 mm long23
23. 007-004-001


24. 001-003-001


vertical, straight cracks closely together25
25. 001-003-003


showing latex when cut26
26. 001-003-004


with small scales27
27. 001-003-002


to 1.4 m diam.28
28. 001-002-002


straight, angular, with rather deep, grooves, older ones sometimes perforated29
29. 001-002-001


30. 001-004-001


apex ,31
31. 003-002-004


base , , ,32
32. 003-002-005


(6-)10-16(-35) x (2.5-)4-6(-13) cm33
33. 003-002-003

<<Petiole>Blade>Primary veins

primary vein prominent on both surfaces,34
34. 003-002-006

<<Petiole>Blade>Secondary veins

secondary veins , ,35
35. 003-002-007


oblong to elliptic, sometimes lanceolate36
36. 003-002-002

<<Petiole>Blade>Tertiary veins

tertiary veins transverse, closely subparallel.37
37. 003-002-008


chartaceous to coriaceous38
38. 003-002-001


branchlets as all young parts .39
39. 002-003


40. 002-002


41. 002-001


laxly set with dark glands42
42. 006-002


ca. 1 mm long43
43. 006-003


ovary .44
44. 006-006


petals , ;45
45. 006-004


stamens inserted just below the orifice,46
46. 006-005

<Calyx>Teeth number

47. 006-001


yellowish-reddish initially, becoming purplish-black at full maturity48
48. 007-002


2-2.5(-3) x 1.5(-2) cm49
49. 007-003


on peduncle50
50. 007-004


ellipsoid, rarely subovoid51
51. 007-001


52. 005-001

<Flowers>Flower number per fascicle

53. 005-003


54. 005-002


bark , and , ;55
55. 001-003


bole , ;56
56. 001-002


(2-)10-20(-30) m tall57
57. 001-001


sapwood , hard.58
58. 001-004


blades , , ,59
59. 003-002


(5-) 20-30(-40) x 1-2(-3) mm60
60. 003-001


rusty-tomentellous in all outer parts61
61. 004-001


2-6(-9) cm long62
62. 004-002


Branches , ;63
63. 002


Calyx obscurely , , ;64
64. 006

Common Name

Creole (French Guiana): maka, mekwa Creole (Guyana): manwood English (French Guiana): bagui-bagui, minquar, pai'coussa rouge English (Guyana): alata-oedoe, arataweri, mincoa, wanania, yuwartu


Small to large tree, (2-)10-20(-30) m tall; bole straight, angular, with rather deep, 0.5-2 m long grooves, older ones sometimes perforated, to 1.4 m diam.; bark brownish-gray, with small oblong scales and vertical, straight cracks closely together, showing white latex when cut; sapwood yellow, hard. Branches angular, glabrous; branchlets as all young parts usually more or less densely grayish-, or mostly rusty-puberulent with branched hairs. Petioles broadly channeled, (5-) 20-30(-40) x 1-2(-3) mm; blades chartaceous to coriaceous, oblong to elliptic, sometimes lanceolate, (6-)10-16(-35) x (2.5-)4-6(-13) cm, apex abruptly short-acuminate, tip acute or bluntish, base obtuse to rounded-truncate, grayish-olivaceous when dry, glabrous, shiny and often slightly tuberculate above, dull and often puberulous especially on the veins beneath, primary vein prominent on both surfaces, secondary veins (6-)10-14(-17) pairs, rather straight-ascending and subparallel, curved before the margin, slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, tertiary veins transverse, closely subparallel. Spikes solitary in the upper axils, simple, or rarely few-branched, shortly pedunculate, rusty-tomentellous in all outer parts, 2-6(-9) cm long. Flowers cream, scented, 2-5 per fascicle. Calyx obscurely 5(-6)-dentate, laxly set with dark glands, ca. 1 mm long; petals connate into a campanulate tube for 1-1.5 mm, free lobes with subacut apexe, inner side with long erect hairs, 1-1.5 mm long; stamens inserted just below the orifice, filaments glabrous; ovary subglobose. Drupe ellipsoid, rarely subovoid, yellowish-reddish initially, becoming purplish-black at full maturity, 2-2.5(-3) x 1.5(-2) cm, on peduncle 2-3 mm long.


Amazonian Colombia present, Guianas present present present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Costa Rica (Costa Rica present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Nicaragua (Nicaragua present); Panamá (Panamá present); Peru (Peru present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
from Nicaragua to Costa Rica and Panama, in the Guianas, Amazonian Colombia.Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil; locally common in the Guianas. Over 150 specimens studied, 65 from the Guianas (GU: 5; SU: 20; FG: 40).


Drupe , , , .65
65. 007


Flowers , , per fascicle.66
66. 005


Small to large tree, ;67
67. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Mapane area, LBB 9438 Saut Parare, de Granville 5667 Guyana, Essequibo River, FD 4722 Guyana, Demerara River, Jenman 3927 Suriname, Surinam River, Suhoza, BBS 57 Saul, Boom & Mori 1686


Petioles broadly channeled, ;68
68. 003


Spikes solitary in the upper axils, simple, or rarely few-branched, shortly pedunculate, , .69
69. 004


The grayish-brownish wood is hard, heavy, and extremely durable, used mainly for poles.