Roupala suaveolens

Primary tabs

Roupala suaveolens


<<<<Compound leaves>Blade>Base>Shape>Position

broader side of blade facing terminal leaflet1
1. 004-004-003-001-001

<<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type>Serration pair number

1-3(-6) pairs2
2. 003-002-006-001-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade>Base>Shape

strongly asymmetrical, , acute to obtuse, at times shortest side of blade acute, longer side obtuse3
3. 004-004-003-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type

4. 004-004-005-001

<<<Compound leaves>Blade>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

5-8 pairs5
5. 004-004-006-001

<<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Base>Shape

obtuse to acute6
6. 004-006-003-001

<<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Margins>Margin type

7. 004-006-005-001

<<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

6-10 pairs8
8. 004-006-006-001


1.7-2.6 x 0.3-0.4 mm9
9. 007-002-003-001


yellow-brown velutinous, sometimes slowly glabrescent10
10. 009-003-002-001

<<<Habit>Juvenile branches>Hairs>Colour

yellow-brown to red-brown, velutinous to long-tomentose, becoming short-tomentose and fading to grey11
11. 001-003-001-001


drying brown, matt or shiny, densely yellow-brown or rufous-velutinous above and beneath when young, gradually glabrescent, hairs persisting on base of midvein above, and more generally beneath, fading to grey12
12. 002-001-002-001

<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Apex>Shape

sometimes acute, obtuse or acuminate13
13. 003-002-005-001

<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Base>Shape

obtuse- or rounded-decurrent, cordate or truncate, symmetrical, folded14
14. 003-002-004-001

<<<Simple leaves>Blade>Margins>Margin type

entire, or serrate when at transitional stage between simple and compound leaves with of serrations, not revolute15
15. 003-002-006-001

<<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Hairs>Colour

yellow-brown velutinous totomentose, fading to grey16
16. 003-001-003-001

<<<Simple leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

5-8(-12) pairs17
17. 003-003-002-001

<<Compound leaves>Blade>Apex

apex attenuate,18
18. 004-004-004

<<Compound leaves>Blade>Base

base ,19
19. 004-004-003

<<Compound leaves>Blade>Dimensions

4-11.5 x 1.5-4.2 cm20
20. 004-004-001

<<Compound leaves>Blade>Length relative to width

(length:breadth 2-3(-4.5):1)21
21. 004-004-002

<<Compound leaves>Blade>Margins

margin ,22
22. 004-004-005

<<Compound leaves>Blade>Secondary veins

secondary veins ;23
23. 004-004-006

<<Compound leaves>Dimensions>Length

13-26 cm long (including 2.5-8.5 cm long petiole)24
24. 004-001-001

<<Compound leaves>Dimensions>Width

7-19 cm broad25
25. 004-001-002

<<Compound leaves>Leaflets>Leaflet pair number

1-4 pairs26
26. 004-002-001

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule lateral leaflets>Length

0-0.8 mm long27
27. 004-003-001

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Apex

apex attenuate,28
28. 004-006-004

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Base

base ,29
29. 004-006-003

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Dimensions

7.5-14 x 3.2-8 cm30
30. 004-006-001

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Length

0-3 cm long31
31. 004-005-001

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Length relative to width

(length:breadth 1.5-3.5:1)32
32. 004-006-002

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Margins

margin ,33
33. 004-006-005

<<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets>Secondary veins

secondary veins ;34
34. 004-006-006

<<Flower buds>Apex>Width

1.4-2 mm broad35
35. 006-001-001

<<Flower buds>Midlength>Width

0.7-1.2 mm broad at midlength36
36. 006-002-001


anthers ;37
37. 007-002-003


0.3-1 mm long38
38. 007-002-001

<<Flowers>Filaments>Relative distance

attached to tepals 5.5-9 mm from base39
39. 007-002-002


0.3-0.6 mm long40
40. 007-003-001


lobes in contact at base;41
41. 007-003-002

<<Flowers>Ovary hairs>Relative distance

extending (1-)1.5-2(-2.5) mm from base of ovary42
42. 007-004-001


not constricted to constricting for 2.5-3.5 mm43
43. 009-003-001


, if so, light brown-grey beneath44
44. 009-003-002


constricted for (1-)3-7 mm45
45. 009-002-001


1.3-1.4 x 0.6-0.9 cm46
46. 009-004-001


dark grey to red-grey or brown47
47. 001-004-001


orange to brown48
48. 001-005-002

<<Habit>Lenticels>Lenticel number

49. 001-005-001

<<Habit>Shrub habit>Height

1.5-2.5 m tall50
50. 001-002-001

<<Habit>Tree habit>Height

3-10(-20) m51
51. 001-001-001


1-2 x 0.6-1 mm52
52. 005-007-001


densely velutinous to tomentose outside, glabrous within53
53. 005-007-002


to 1mm long54
54. 005-008-001


pale brown, yellow-brown to rufous55
55. 005-004-001


1.5-5 mm long56
56. 005-009-001


1-3.5(-6) cm x 1.2-2 mm57
57. 005-005-001

<<Infructescences>Fruit pedicels>Dimensions

(3-)4-6 x 1-1.5 mm58
58. 008-003-001

<<Infructescences>Fruit pedicels>Hairs

59. 008-003-002


60. 002-001-001

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Apex

apex predominantly attenuate, ,61
61. 003-002-005

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Base

base ,62
62. 003-002-004

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Dimensions

6-21 x 3-12 cm63
63. 003-002-002

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Length relative to width

(length:breadth 1.1-2.5:1)64
64. 003-002-003

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Margins

margin ;65
65. 003-002-006

<<Simple leaves>Blade>Shape

ovate, also wide- to narrow-ovate, or narrow-oblong to oblong66
66. 003-002-001

<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Hairs

, rarely becoming completely glabrous67
67. 003-001-003

<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Length

1-6 cm long68
68. 003-001-001

<<Simple leaves>Petiole>Width

1.5-4 mm broad at midlength69
69. 003-001-002

<<Simple leaves>Veins>Midveins

midvein reaching apex,70
70. 003-003-001

<<Simple leaves>Veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins .71
71. 003-003-002

<Compound leaves>Blade

blade lateral leaflet ,72
72. 004-004

<Compound leaves>Dimensions

, ;73
73. 004-001

<Compound leaves>Juvenile plants

compound leaves of juvenile plants with considerably longer and narrower leaves, long-attenuate at apex and long-cuneate at base.74
74. 004-007

<Compound leaves>Leaflets

leaflets ;75
75. 004-002

<Compound leaves>Petiolule lateral leaflets

petiolules lateral leaflets ;76
76. 004-003

<Compound leaves>Petiolule terminal leaflets

blade terminal leaflet ,77 petiolule terminal leaflet ,78
77. 004-006, 78. 004-005

<Flower buds>Apex

at apex79
79. 006-001


filaments , ,80
80. 007-002


hypogynous glands ,81
81. 007-003


7-11 mm long82
82. 007-001

<Flowers>Ovary hairs

ovary hairs , covering entire ovary, long, weak, straight, ferrugineous to rufous, also with sericeous hairs, dense, bushing outwards.83
83. 007-004


apex , sharp with persistence of style, straight or curved so apex perpendicular to unsutured side, , marginal vein protruding around periphery;84
84. 009-003


base ,85
85. 009-002


1.8-3.2 x 0.9-1.5 cm86
86. 009-001


seeds .87
87. 009-004


bark ;88
88. 001-004

<Habit>Juvenile branches

young branches , persistent;89
89. 001-003


lenticels , inconspicuous, .90
90. 001-005

<Habit>Shrub habit

91. 001-002

<Habit>Tree habit

92. 001-001


common bracts , ;93
93. 005-007


7-28 x 1.8-2.8 cm94
94. 005-003


flower-pair axis ;95
95. 005-008


densely , velutinous or tomentose96
96. 005-004

<Inflorescences>Inflorescence number per leaf axil

rarely 297
97. 005-002


pedicels .98
98. 005-009


peduncle ;99
99. 005-005


100. 005-001

<Inflorescences>Sterile bracts

sterile bracts few, persistent;101
101. 005-006

<Infructescences>Fruit pedicels

fruit pedicel , .102
102. 008-003


densely tomentose103
103. 008-002


9-21(-34) cm long104
104. 008-001


blade ,105
105. 002-001

<Simple leaves>Blade

blade predominantly , ,106
106. 003-002

<Simple leaves>Petiole

petiole x , terete, somewhat canaliculate towards blade, ;107
107. 003-001

<Simple leaves>Veins

venation raised and ± conspicuous on both sides, eucamptodromous to semicraspedodromous,108
108. 003-003

Compound leaves

Compound leaves:109
109. 004


Tree 3-10(-20) m, or shrub 1.5-2.5 m tall; young branches yellow-brown to red-brown, velutinous to long-tomentose, becoming short-tomentose and fading to grey, persistent; bark dark grey to red-grey or brown; lenticels few, inconspicuous, orange to brown. Leaves simple, lobed and compound, blade coriaceous, drying brown, matt or shiny, densely yellow-brown or rufous-velutinous above and beneath when young, gradually glabrescent, hairs persisting on base of midvein above, and more generally beneath, fading to greySimple leaf: petiole 1-6 cm long x 1.5-4 mm broad at midlength, terete, somewhat canaliculate towards blade, yellow-brown velutinous totomentose, fading to grey, rarely becoming completely glabrous; blade predominantly ovate, also wide- to narrow-ovate, or narrow-oblong to oblong, 6-21 x 3-12 cm(length:breadth 1.1-2.5:1), base obtuse- or rounded-decurrent, cordate or truncate, symmetrical, folded, apex predominantly attenuate, sometimes acute, obtuse or acuminate, margin entire, or serrate when at transitional stage between simple and compound leaves with 1-3(-6) pairs of serrations, not revolute; venation raised and ± conspicuous on both sides, eucamptodromous to semicraspedodromous, midvein reaching apex, secondary veins 5-8(-12) pairs. Compound leaves: 13-26 cm long (including 2.5-8.5 cm long petiole), 7-19 cm broad; leaflets 1-4 pairs; petiolules lateral leaflets 0-0.8 mm long; blade lateral leaflet 4-11.5 x 1.5-4.2 cm(length:breadth 2-3(-4.5):1), base strongly asymmetrical, broader side of blade facing terminal leaflet, acute to obtuse, at times shortest side of blade acute, longer side obtuse, apex attenuate, margin entire, secondary veins 5-8 pairs; petiolule terminal leaflet 0-3 cm long, blade terminal leaflet 7.5-14 x 3.2-8 cm(length:breadth 1.5-3.5:1), base obtuse to acute, apex attenuate, margin entire, secondary veins 6-10 pairs; compound leaves of juvenile plants with considerably longer and narrower leaves, long-attenuate at apex and long-cuneate at base. Inflorescence axillary, unbranched, rarely 2 arising in same leaf axil, 7-28 x 1.8-2.8 cm, densely pale brown, yellow-brown to rufous, velutinous or tomentose; peduncle 1-3.5(-6) cm x 1.2-2 mm; sterile bracts few, persistent; common bracts 1-2 x 0.6-1 mm, densely velutinous to tomentose outside, glabrous within; flower-pair axis to 1mm long; pedicels 1.5-5 mm long. Flower buds 1.4-2 mm broad at apex, 0.7-1.2 mm broad at midlengthFlowers 7-11 mm long; filaments 0.3-1 mm long, attached to tepals 5.5-9 mm from base, anthers 1.7-2.6 x 0.3-0.4 mm; hypogynous glands 0.3-0.6 mm long, lobes in contact at base; ovary hairs extending (1-)1.5-2(-2.5) mm from base of ovary, covering entire ovary, long, weak, straight, ferrugineous to rufous, also with sericeous hairs, dense, bushing outwards. Infructescence 9-21(-34) cm long, densely tomentose; fruit pedicel (3-)4-6 x 1-1.5 mm, tomentose. Fruit 1.8-3.2 x 0.9-1.5 cm, both sutured and unsutured side curved to similar degrees, or sutured side slightly more curved, base constricted for (1-)3-7 mm, apex not constricted to constricting for 2.5-3.5 mm, sharp with persistence of style, straight or curved so apex perpendicular to unsutured side, yellow-brown velutinous, sometimes slowly glabrescent, if so, light brown-grey beneath, marginal vein protruding around periphery; seeds 1.3-1.4 x 0.6-0.9 cm.


Bolivar present, Guyana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present), Venezuela where rivers drain northwards into the Orinoco system present
Venezuela where rivers drain northwards into the Orinoco system (Amazonas and Bolívar) , and Guyana; (GU: 6; SU: 1).

Flower buds

Flower buds ,110
110. 006


Flowers ;111
111. 007


Fruit , both sutured and unsutured side curved to similar degrees, or sutured side slightly more curved,112
112. 009


, or ;113
113. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Mazaruni-Potaro Distr., Mt. Roraima, Arabupu, Forest Dept. 2814 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Kamoa R., Toucan Mt., Jansen-Jacobs et al. 1628


Inflorescence , unbranched, arising in same leaf axil, ,;114
114. 005


Infructescence , ;115
115. 008


Leaves simple, lobed and compound,116
116. 002


Roupala schomburgkii was originally differentiated from R. suaveolens by the shortness of the petiole, differing shapes of leaves and leaf bases. However, these are inconsistant characters which vary independently of each other in different specimens. Roupala griotii is clearly synonymous with R. suaveolens.
Although the locality on the type specimen label of Roupala suaveolens is difficult to interpret from the handwriting, according to , this species was seen in the vicinity of Mt. Amboina, Pirocaima and Camana, now in Roraima State, Brazil. The type of R. schomburgkii was from the locality of Mt. Roraima which was ascended from the Brazilian side, hence the change in type localities from Guyana to Brazil.


Flowering from , fruiting predominantly from .

Simple leaves

Simple leaf:117
117. 003